Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cullavagga - Fifth Khandhaka: Chapter 37

1. Now at the time when the venerable Kassapa of Uruvela went forth (from the
world), much property in brass and wood and earthenware came into the possession
of the Samgha 2. And the
p. 156
[paragraph continues] Bhikkhus thought, 'What kinds of brass ware--of wooden
things--of earthenware 1--has the Blessed One allowed, and what kinds has he not
They told this matter to the Blessed One.
Then the Blessed One, on that occasion and in that connection, when he had
delivered a religious discourse, addressed the Bhikkhus, and said:
'I allow you, O Bhikkhus, all kinds of brass ware, except weapons 2--all kinds
of wooden things, except divans 3, and long-armed chairs 3, and bowls 4, and
shoes 5,--and all kinds of earthenware, except katakas 6, and large earthen
vessels to be used as huts to live in 7.'
Here ends the Fifth Khandhaka, on minor details.

155:2 See Mahâvagga I, 20, 19-21.
156:1 See Kullavagga VIII, 3, I.
156:2 Paharanattham katam paharanî ti vukkati. Yassa kassa ki âvudha-samghâtass’
etam adhivakanam (B.).
156:3 See Mahâvagga V, 10, 4, 5.
156:4 See Kullavagga V, 8, 2.
156:5 See Mahâvagga V, 6, 4.
156:6 On this word see our note above at V, 22, I.
156:7 This is the only one of the things here mentioned not referred to in
previous rules. Buddhaghosa says, Kumbha-kârikâ ti Dhaniyass’ eva
sabba-mattikâmaya-kuti vukkati. The story of Dhaniya is given in the text of the
Vinaya, vol. iii, pp. 42 and following.


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