Friday, March 25, 2011

Mahavagga - Eighth Khandhaka: Chapter 2

At that time the king of Kâsi 2 sent to Gîvaka Komârabhakka a woollen garment
made half of Benares cloth . . . 3. Then Gîvaka Komârabhakka
p. 196
took that woollen garment made half of Benares cloth and went to the place where
the Blessed One was; having approached him, and respectfully saluted the Blessed
One, he sat down near him. Sitting near him, Gîvaka Komârabhakka said to the
Blessed One: 'Lord, this woollen garment made half of Benares cloth. . . . 1 has
been sent to me by the king of Kâsi. May the Blessed One, Lord, accept this
woollen garment, which may be to me a long time for a good and a blessing.' The
Blessed One accepted that woollen garment.
And the Blessed One taught (&c., as in chap. I, 34, down to:) and went away.
And the Blessed One, after having delivered a religious discourse in consequence
of that, thus addressed the Bhikkhus:
'I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to use woollen garments.'

195:2 Buddhaghosa: 'This king was Pasenadi's brother, the same father's son.' He
appears to have been a sub-king of Pasenadi, for in the Lohikka-sutta it is
stated that Pasenadi's rule extended both over Kâsi and Kosala ('Râgâ Pasenadi
Kosalo Kâsikosalam agghâvasati').
195:3 Our translation of addhakâsikam kambalam is merely p. 196 conjectural.
Buddhaghosa has the following note: 'Addhakâsiyam, here kâsi means one thousand;
a thing that is worth one thousand, is called kâsiya. This garment was worth
five hundred; therefore it is called addhakâsiya. And for the same reason it is
said, upaddhakâsinam khamamânam.' Perhaps vikâsikam at VI, 15, 5 may have some
connection with the word used here.
196:1 See last note.


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