Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mahavagga - Sixth Khandhaka: Chapter 10

1. Now at that time the Bhikkhus who were sick had need of sifted 4 chunam as
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'I allow, O Bhikkhus, the use of a chunam sieve.'
They had need of the chunam very fine.
'I allow, O Bhikkhus, the use of a cloth sieve.'
2. Now at that time a certain Bhikkhu had a disease not human. Though his
teacher and his superior nursed him, they were not able to make him well. He
went to a place where swine were slaughtered, and ate the raw flesh, and drank
the blood. Thereby his sickness abated.
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'I allow, O Bhikkhus, in the case of a disease not human, the use of raw flesh
and of blood.'

49:4 Kâleti has often a more definite meaning than 'shake.' Compare Gâtaka I,


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