Thursday, May 19, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Buddhavamsa - Sumedha

Sumedha Buddhavamsa

The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas
by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw

After the passing of the Buddha Padumuttara kappa, then passed
Also seventy-sunna kappa, without the appearance of a Buddha
also, later in a kappa, one asankhyeyya and three thousand
kappa before the present kappa, emerge two Buddha:
Sumedha and Sujata (kappa is the kappa Manda).
From the second Buddha, the first, Sumedha, while still
Bodhisatta, after fulfilling his Kesempurnaa, born in Heaven
Tusita, like all other bodhisatta. Fulfilling requests
the gods and Brahma to become a Buddha, he is down to nature
humans and into the uterus Sudatta, consort of King Sudatta.
Ten months later he was born in the palace garden.
Palace Life
Adulthood, Prince Sumedha lived in three palaces,
named Sucandana, geographical, and Sirivaddhana, served
by his wife named Sumana and forty-eight
thousand servants. So he enjoyed the life of his court
like a god for nine thousand years.
Removing worldliness
While having fun enjoying life, Princess Sumana
birth to a son named Punabbasu. After
see the four signs, he let go of worldliness with
riding elephants and became a hermit, a hundred crore people
follow in his hermit.
Perfect Enlightenment
Sumedha bodhisatta undergo dukkaracariya practice together
one hundred crore hermit for fifteen days (according to the Sinhala version,
eight months). On the day he will achieve Enlightenment
Perfect on the day of full moon in the month Vesàkha, he ate
milk rice offered by Nakul, daughter of a wealthy
Village of Nakul, and spends his days in the forest in sala
nearby. At night, he left his followers
and walked alone towards the Bodhi tree. On the way
that he received eight of a devout bunch grass
view of one named Sirivaddhana. Once he spread
grass under the tree Mahabodhi mahanipa, emerges
Aparajita pallaïka as high as fifty-seven arms. Sitting cross-legged
above pallaïka, bodhisatta deploy four-level business
His armies conquered Mara and attain Buddhahood,
Perfect Enlightenment, the King of Three Nature.
Three Events resentatiom Dhamma
After achieving Perfect Enlightenment, Buddha Sumedha
stayed near the Bodhi tree for seven weeks; menyanggupi
Brahma petition, he saw his younger cousin, Prince
Means and Sabbakama (later became President of his students), and also
one hundred crore hermit, who came with his release worldliness.
Then he traveled through space and in
moment they arrived at the residence of the royal park near the City
Seeing the arrival of Buddhism from a distance, one hundred crore sage with
full loyalty to welcome the Buddha, brought bowls
and his clothes, preparing for his seat, giving
respect and then sat around the Buddha. Then
Buddha called the prince, Means and Sabbakamma
through the gardener. Then the Buddha expounds
Dhammacakkappavattanasutta to them all human beings
and the gods who came to listen. On occasion, one hundred
crore gods and humans to reach Roads and fruit.
(This isis the first Dhammbhisamaya ).
On another occasion, when the Buddha was dwelling Sumedha
in Mahàkaruõà Samàpatti, "Achieving Compassion that
The highest "on one morning, and saw the creatures
that it was time to reach freedom, Buddha Sumedha
see yakkha named Kumbhakanna-eater stealth
man-who showed his form is scary
on the road into the forest, so that the road to the forest
unobstructed; Sumedha Buddha walked alone into places yakkha
that, after entering into the forest, he sits in place
has been prepared.
Knowing this, became very angry as Kumbakhanna
a venomous snake that beaten with sticks, then
to frighten the Buddha, he changed his form, his head
be at the mountain, his eyes open big and lit-
flame like the sun, long fangs and large like a pirate
fields; skin a dark blue belly hanging
below; nose sunken in the middle, curved on his face;
she looks really ugly and scary, big mouth and
red like the crater of the mountain, with hair
thick, yellow, and coarse; with performances like this he appears
in front of the Buddha, blowing smoke and fire toward the Buddha and
rained with stones, mountains, fire, hot water, mud
heat, dust, heat, hot charcoal, weapons, and hot sand,
but all this can not interfere with even a single hair
of the Buddha. Then he thought, "I'll kill her
after asking questions, "he asked the question that
same as Yakkha âëavaka, the Buddha, and Buddha managed
yakkha answer even tame.
The next day, the day on which the king of neighboring countries will
sacrificing his son to yakkha, some people brought
cart full of food along with the prince to
yakkha, however yakkha prince will be handed over
ate it to the Buddha. Hearing the good news is,
people who are waiting at the gate entrance to the forest
approached the Buddha. On this occasion, the Buddha expounded
Dhamma according to yakkha and assist ninety
thousand crore beings achieve knowledge of the road.
(This isis the second Dhammàbhisamaya ).
On another occasion Sumedha Buddha expounded on
Four Noble Truths to the gods and humans in the Garden
Sirinandana near City Upakari. On that occasion eight
twenty thousand crore gods and men achieve Roads and fruit.
(This isis the third Dhammàbhisamaya ).
Three Events Conferences Students (Sannipàta)
There are three Sannipàta, meeting students Sumedha Buddha.
The first meeting is when the Buddha was in the City Sudassana.
At that time one hundred crore Arahanta gathered.
(This isis the first Sannipàta ).
The second event occurred when Buddhism is undergoing a rains retreat in
Mount Deva. In the Kathina ceremony held at the end
rains retreat, monks gathered ninety crore.
(This isis the second Sannipàta ).
Other events happening during Buddha travel. Eight
crore twenty monks who follow the Buddha gathered.
(This isis the third Sannipàta ).
As the Buddha would Named Youth Uttara
Receive Forecast from Buddha Sumedha
At that time, bodhisatta is a young man named Uttara,
which means a person who more than anyone else in terms of virtue;
he offered his property valued at eight
fifty crore collected in his house to Saÿgha
led by the Buddha. After listening to the sermon from
Buddha, he stated that seek refuge in the Three Protection
and became a monk under the guidance of the Buddha. At the end of
His sermon delivered as an expression of gratitude
above the offering received, the Buddha delivered forecast,
"This young man named Uttara, will become a Buddha in the future
front, named Gotama. "
Hearing this Buddhist prophecy, bodhisatta be very
excited and determined to be more enthusiastic in meeting
His perfection.
Uttara became a monk and assume its obligations in terms of
spiritual. He also managed to learn the nine kinds of Buddhism
from Sutta and Vinaya, thus increasing the beauty of the
Sumedha Buddha's teaching.
With full attention, he practiced as a liability
monks in the three-body position sitting, standing, and walking
(without lying at all). He reached not only the eight
achievement but also five mental abilities and after death
world, he was reborn in the Brahma.
The characteristics of the Buddha Sumedha
Sumedha Buddha was born in Sudassana; His father was King Sudatta,
and his mother was Queen Sudatta.
He ruled for nine thousand years; three His palace is
Sucandana, geographical, and Sirivaóóhana.
His wife named Sumana who are served by the eighty-four
thousand servants; His son was Prince Punabbasu.
Two of his students are Saraõa and Sabbakàma Thera Thera.
His valet is Sagara Thera.
His two main girls are Rama and Thera Thera Surama. Tree
His is the Bodhi tree màhanãpa.
Two students lay His major is rich Uruvela and Yasavà,
and two students lay His major is Upàsikà Yasodharà and
Upàsikà Sirimà.
His high-eighty-eight arms (approximately 44 meters).
His body shining light in all directions like a month
illuminate the night sky.
Or, light body of the Buddha to spread in all directions as far as one
Yojana like ruby king of the world that shines in all directions
so far Yojana.
Age of human life on the Buddha Sumedha achieve
ninety thousand years. Life for four-fifths of
age of human life at that time he used to
helped a lot of human creatures, gods, and Brahma-from
saÿsàra ocean and placed it on the beach nirvana.
In those days there were many Sumedha Buddha's teaching
Arahanta noble (Arahanta everywhere), which has three
six different kinds of knowledge and mental abilities, which
excited, which is not deterred by the changes
worldly, which has the ability to see things,
pleasant or unpleasant in one way.
The Arahanta is that there is no appeal in fame,
freed from all defilements and free from four
upadhi, the foundation for rebirth, the Arahanta which
Buddha is the students who had many followers, who
emit light their wisdom and then reached
Nibbana is peaceful.
Thus, Buddha Sumedha, conqueror of the five Mara, reaching
Medha Parinibbana Park. His relics are spread throughout
Jambådãpa according to His will, respected by all beings
like humans, gods, and Brahma.


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