Showing posts with label Dhammadassi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dhammadassi. Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Buddhavamsa - Dhammadassi

Dhammadassi Buddhavamsa

The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas
by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw

After the Buddha Atthadassã Parinibbana in kappa (which is
vara kappa kappa because it emerged three of Buddha, but
Manda also called kappa, because it is full of things
fun, without defects, and full of signs
party), the age of human life decreases gradually from
hundred thousand years to ten years, then increased again
until asaïkhyeyya. As the age of human life decreases
again until you reach a hundred thousand years, Will Buddha Dhammadassã
born in Heaven Tusita after fulfilling His Perfection,
according to tradition the bodhisatta. Accept the petition of the
gods and Brahma to become a Buddha, he is down to nature
humans and into the womb of Queen Sunanda, consort of King
Sarana in the Sarana City. Ten months later born bodhisatta
in Sarana Royal Park.
Since its birth, all the regulations that are not good and
that violates the provisions of law disappears
automatically from the books of law, all that remains is
all good rules. Therefore, at the time
naming days, Prince was named Dhammadassã by relatives
brother and his wise giver name after seeing the sign-
this sign.
Palace Life
When bodhisatta Dhammadassã adulthood, he lived
at the three palaces namely, Araja, Viraja, and Sudassana to be served
by forty-three thousand women, led by ministers
by his wife, Princess Vicikoli. He is enjoying the luxury life
like a god for eight thousand years.
Removing worldliness
After seeing the four signs, and after his wife, Princess Vicikoli
birth to a son named Pu ¤ ¤ avaddhana, bodhisatta
Dhammadassã, soft like a god and are enjoying
life like a god, woke up one night, sitting in
above his bed, he saw a variety of views
disgusting than his female servants who fall asleep;
Arose in his mind filled with unrest, the plan
to let go of worldliness. Immediately after that thought
emerged, occupied the Palace of His Sudassana accompanied
four rows of troops, flew into the sky like the sun
second, or like the palace of the gods who flew in space
then landed near the Mahabodhi tree bimbijala.
Bodhisatta then wore robes of dedicated lotus
by Brahma and after getting out of his palace, he stood
not far from there. The palace was then floated back
in the sky and landed on the ground, surrounding the Bodhi tree.
All occupants of women and his followers out of the palace
and walk as far as half gàvuta from there. Among people
This, the men wore robes bodhisatta follow the example.
The men totaled nine crore.
Perfect Enlightenment
After undergoing dukkaracariya practice for seven days,
Bodhisatta Dhammadassã eat milk rice offered
by Princess Vicikoli on full moon day in the month Vesàkha, the day on which
He will reach the Perfect Enlightenment, and spend
badara that day in the woods (plum) near there. In the evening he
walking alone toward the Mahabodhi; the way that he
receive eight tie grass from Sirivadha, guard fields
wheat. Once he spread the grass under the tree
Bodhi bimbijala, Aparajita pallaïka emerged as high as fifty
three arms. Sitting cross-legged on the seat, he
achieve Buddhahood as the previous Buddhas.
Three Events resentatiom Dhamma
After attaining Buddhahood, the Buddha stayed for four
twenty-nine days near the Mahabodhi, then he
Brahma application undertakes to teach the Dhamma.
As he pondered who would he teach first
time, he saw a hundred thousand crore hermit who accompanies his
worldliness when releasing the armed services during
past they have, can penetrate the Roads and fruit,
Buddha immediately headed to Deer Park (called Isipatana because
the ascetic who mastering jhana and flew thither
happy to stop at this place.) Eighteen Yojana away from
Seeing the Buddha approaching from a distance, nine thousand crore hermit,
greeted by performing the obligations with
full fidelity then sat near the Buddha. Then
Buddhists follow tradition of the Buddha preached the sermon
Dhammacakkapavatana Sutta to nine crore and ascetic
the gods and Brahma who came to listen to sermons
Him. On that occasion, the creature reaches one hundred thousand crore
Roads and fruit.
(This isis the first Dhammàbhisamaya ).
After that, in the City Tagara, King Sa ¤ jaya, after seeing the danger
sense of enjoyment and worldly benefits of releasing
decided to become a hermit. Following his example, nine
fifty crore followers also became ascetic. They all
achieve a high five and eight levels of wisdom jhana.
Knowing that they have services that can help
them in through the Roads and fruit, Buddha did
travel through space; arrived at the hermitage Sa ¤ jaya, with fixed
standing in space, the Buddha preached a sermon appropriate
with their inner condition. Thus Buddha help
they penetrate Road also called Dhamma eye
(This isis the second Dhammàbhisamaya ).
On another occasion, the king of the gods, wanted to listen to sermon
Buddha, approached the Buddha with his followers. When
Buddha preached the Dhamma to them, eighty
crore of them managed to reach the road and fruit.
(This isis the third Dhammàbhisamaya ).
Three Events Conferences Students (Sannipàta)
There are three events of the gathering of students were Buddhist, the first
occurred in the City Facility, where the Buddha Dhammadassã receive
his cousin, Prince and Prince Phussa Paduma, along with
his followers became a monk and live rains retreat in the town;
during the rains retreat, in the midst of a hundred crore monk
has attained Arahatta, Buddha held a
Visuddhi Pavàraõà.
(This isis the first Sannipàta ).
On another occasion, the Buddha teaches Dhammadassã
Abhidhamma in Heaven Tàvatiÿsa and when down to nature
man, one hundred crore monks gathered.
(This isis the second Sannipàta ).
On another occasion, the Buddha expounded Dhammadassã
about thirteen dhutaïga benefits and states Harita,
a student who has attained Arahatta, is
The most prominent among those who practice
dhutaïga. At the meeting which was attended by eighty crore
monks, the Buddha expounded the Ovada Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the third Sannipàta ).
As the Buddha would Sakka Receive Forecast from
Buddha Dhammadassã
At that time, bodhisatta Gotama is Sakka, the king of the gods;
accompanied by the gods in the two natural paradise, Catumahàrajika
and Tàvatiÿsa, he visited the Buddha and His honor
by presenting heavenly flowers, etc. and
various sounds of heavenly music. Then Buddha
forecasts say, "Sakka this will definitely become a Buddha in
future, named Gotama. "
Hearing the prophecy of Buddha, Sakka bodhisatta be very
excited and determined to be more serious in
fulfill His Perfection.
The characteristics of the Buddha Dhammadassã
Buddha was born in the City Dhammadassã Saraõa; His father is King
Sarana, and his mother was Queen Sunanda.
He ruled for eight thousand years, three of his palace
is: Araja, Viraja, and Sudassana.
His wife called Vicikoli served by forty-three thousand
waiter; His son was Prince Pu ¤ ¤ avaóóhana.
Vehicles that are used when releasing worldliness after
see the four signs is his castle; He underwent practices
dukkaracariya for seven days.
Two of his students are Paduma and Phussa Thera Thera.
His valet is Sunetta Thera.
His two main girls are Khema and Thera Thera Saccanàmà.
His Bodhi tree is a tree bimbijala.
Two students lay His major is rich and Subhadda
Katissaha, and two students lay His major is Upàsikà Sàliya
and Upàsikà Kaliyà.
Dhammadassã Buddha height is eighty-arm,
full glory with the power that penetrates ten thousand
Dhammadassã majestic Buddha was like a sala tree
perfect flower or like lightning or the sun at noon
which lit up the sky.
Buddha Dhammadassã who have no power
appeal and has five eyes, lived for long life
human life in those days that is a hundred thousand years.
After showing his strength and wisdom and
purify His teachings so free from stain, Buddha
Parinibbana accompanied the students to reach him, then disappeared
(like the moon which disappeared after shining at night).
Thus, the Buddha Dhammadassã a vibrant,
reach Parinibbana in Park City Sàlavati Sala; a cetiya
as high as three Yojana was established in the park and dedicated
the Buddha Dhammadassã