Showing posts with label Narada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Narada. Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Buddhavamsa - Narada

Narada Buddhavamsa

The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas
by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw

After the Buddha Paduma Parinibbana, age of human life
the time it reaches one hundred thousand years slowly
decreases until it becomes ten years; but later age
human life to increase again, until the age of life
human reach asaïkhyeyya, then down again, when
age human life reaches ninety thousand years,
Bodhisatta Narada after fulfilling His Perfection born
Tusita Heaven. Once agreed the request of the gods and
Brahma to become a Buddha, he is down to human nature and
entrance to the uterus Anoma, Consort of the king of the world, in the City Sudeva
Dha ¤ ¤ avati. Ten months later bodhisatta born in the Garden
Dhana ¤ jaya.
On the day of the name, fell from the sky, in among the trees,
various kinds of fabrics and decorations like a heavy rain. Because
That's why he called Narada; "person" means an appropriate decoration for
people and "da" means he who gives, this name is given
by the wise givers name.
Palace Life
After adulthood, Prince Narada lived in three palaces,
namely: Jita, Vijita, and Abhirama to be served by one million
two hundred thousand men under the leadership of women ministers
Vijitasena wife; He lived like a god for nine
thousand years.
Removing worldliness
Furthermore, while enjoying life, the Princess Vijitasenà
birth to a son named Nanduttara. After seeing
four signs, bodhisatta wearing different clothes, scent-
perfume, flowers, etc. and with accompaniment by four
He ranks his troops went to the park on foot.
After take off all his jewelry and hand over
to guard the treasure palace, he cut his hair with
His sword and threw it into space.
Sakka, king of the gods, receive it and store it in
gold coffin and then build an altar made ​​of seven kinds
jewel, three Yojana high, in Heaven Tàvatiÿsa (at Mount
Meru). Wearing robes presented by Brahma,
Bodhisatta be a hermit in the park. One hundred thousand men
also be a hermit to follow in his steps.
(The important thing to remember here is: The other bodhisatta
see the four signs while traveling toward
royal park to have fun. After seeing a sign
they are motivated by religious feelings and go
let go of worldliness is not in the royal park, but
to the forest in a remote mountain. Where they see a sign
and where they live hermitage are two places
different. Because the distance between two places, they
must use a vehicle such as elephants, horses, trains, and
others. However, in the story of Buddha Narada, in the garden he
see the sign and at the same park he lived after release
worldliness. According to feedback, Taman Dhana ¤ victorious in
out of town).
Perfect Enlightenment
Narada Buddha underwent dukkaracariya practice for seven days;
on the full moon day in month-day Vesàkha He will reach
Perfect Enlightenment, he receives a dedicated rice milk
by Princess Vijitasenà and spend the day in the same park;
at night he walked alone to leave the
His followers go to the Bodhi tree, the way that he
receive eight tie grass from Sudassana the gardener;
soon after he let down the grass under the trees sona,
Aparajita emerged sized seating fifty-seven
arm, sitting cross-legged on the seat, bodhisatta
deployed four of his effort level, conquering armies
Mara and attain Buddhahood, Perfect Enlightenment, King of Three
(The following additional comments regarding Buddhavaÿsa there
Bodhi tree of Buddha Narada, a large tree sona;
"The tree that big sona arm as high as ninety; trunk
round and smooth, has many branches and twigs, leafy
a lush dark green, very shady, as if guarded
by the gods, no birds can nest there;
revered as the king of all trees on the surface of this earth;
branches adorned with red flowers, very beautiful
eyes. He gives freshness to man and god
who viewed it.)
Three Events resentatiom Dhamma
After achieving Perfect Enlightenment, Buddha Narada stay
for forty-nine days took place around
Bodhi tree. Then he receives a request Brahma
to teach the Dhamma, and when contemplating who
He who would teach the first time, he saw his followers
When releasing his worldliness that has the services
support in achieving the road and fruit. After
reflect on where they are, he knows that
they dwell in the Garden of Dhana ¤ jaya. He immediately took
His bowl and robe and immediately went to the park through
At that time, a hundred thousand saw the arrival of Buddhist monks
from a distance. With full fidelity they welcomed
Buddha, brought his bowl and robe, to prepare
a seat for him, saluted him and then
take a seat around the Buddha. With surrounded
by one hundred thousand monks, the Buddha expounded Narada
Dhammacakkappavattanasutta among humans,
gods, and Brahma, as did the Buddhas
previously, on that occasion one hundred crore people, gods, and
Brahma penetrate the highest Dhamma, Roads and fruit.
(This isis the first Dhammàbhisamaya ).
At one point, the dragon king named Dona ruling on the banks of the River
Gaïgà near City Mahàdona. He is very powerful, respected and
respected. If residents in the neighborhood did not provide
offerings, he will destroy the place with
created by drought or heavy rain continuously
or hail.
Narada Buddha who has reached the far shore, Nibbana,
see there are many people who can definitely achieve the Roads and
Fruit, Nirvana, because they have the services of life
past that allows them to reach that level
if he go there and tame the dragon king;
so with the accompaniment by the monks, the Buddha towards
dragon king's residence.
When the people saw the Buddha, they pleaded "Buddha
Great, here lived a dragon king, which is very poisonous
and very powerful and terrorize the place. Please do not come if
You do not want to get hurt. "Buddha is still running as if nothing
hear their warnings, then sat on top of the pile
dragon king flower seat.
The people then gathered, they thought, "We will
witnessed the battle between the Buddha, the King of Wisdom and
Donald, King of Dragons. "

Seeing the Buddha sitting on a seat prepared flower
for him, the dragon king can not hold his anger and
shows itself by blowing smoke. With strength
His inner Buddha also issued a smoke in return.
Then when the king dragon attacked with a blast of fire,
Buddha also spewing fire in retaliation by force
His mind. King dragon get hurt badly enough by the fire
of Buddha, and his suffering was unbearable. He thinks
"I will kill this monk can," then the king
dragon can shoot.
Although toxins can be fired by the king dragon
destroy all Jambådãpa, but can not
shake even a hair of Buddha. "What
occurred with the monks that? "dragon king wondered. "How
condition was?, "as he watched, he saw the Buddha with
His face is sunny and bright with six rays as
sun or full moon in autumn Kattika.
Then he thought "this monk was very powerful, not
realize their own ability, I attacked him. "Then he
states seek refuge in Buddha. After taming king
dragon, the Buddha shows Wonders Double water and fire to
generate confidence in a crowd of people there.
On that occasion ninety thousand crore humans and gods
Arahatta attained.
(This isis the second Dhammàbhisamaya ).
On another occasion, the Buddha taught the Dhamma Narada
to his son Prince Nanduttara, eighty thousand
gods and humans to reach the highest of the Road and Dharma
(This isis the third Dhammàbhisamaya ).
Three Events Conferences Students (Sannipàta)
There are three events of the gathering of students Buddha Narada.
The first meeting occurred in the City Thullakoññhika, where two
Brahmin youths, students will be President, Bhaddasàla and
Vijitamitta, met with the Buddha who was sitting in the middle-
middle of the meeting, they are looking for 'pool eternal Dhamma. "
When the two young men saw thirty-two signs
remarkable man of Buddha's body, they concluded,
"This man must be the Buddha who has been eliminating fog
ignorance in this world. "With full confidence in the Buddha,
they become monks and their followers. After
they attained Arahatta, Buddha expounded
Ovada Pàtimokkha in the midst of a hundred thousand crore monks.
(This isis the first Sannipàta ).
The second event occurred at a meeting of his relatives, Buddha
Narada tells the story of his life since he started
aspiring to attain Buddhahood. Ninety-thousand crore
Arahanta gathered there.
(This isis the second Sannipàta ).
On another occasion, the king dragon named Verocana, which has
confidence in the Buddha when he saw the Buddha taming
King Dragon Mahadona, creating a large hall made ​​of jewels,
sized three gàvuta and invited the Buddha and his followers
His stay in the hall. He also invites people
local to visit aulanya. By presenting concert
dragon dancers with a variety of uniforms and decorations, it performs
memorial service, and provide huge funds to
Buddha and the monks.
When finished eating, Buddha gave the sermon as
tribute to these offerings. Listen
the sermon, the people believe in the Buddha and
begged to be monks. Buddha then said
"Come, monk" and they all become "ehi-bhikkhu."
In the midst of eight million ehi-bhikkhu, the Buddha expounded
Ovada Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the third Sannipàta ).
As an ascetic Gotama Buddha Will Receive Forecast from
Narada Buddha
At that time, bodhisatta Gotama is a hermit who
build a hermitage in the Himalayas and stay in
there after acquiring five Abhi ¤ ¤ à and eight Samàpatti.
Because compassion bodhisatta asihnya to this sage, Narada Buddha
visit the hermitage was accompanied by eighty
crore lay people who all had attained
Noble sage is very happy to meet with Buddha;
then He created a place to stay for the Buddha and
His followers. All night long, The sage praise glory
Buddha and listen to his preaching. The next morning he went
to the northern continent (with his supernatural powers) and returned with the rice
and other foods to offer it to Buddha
and his followers, monks and lay people.
Thus bodhisatta food offered during
seven days, after that he pay homage to Buddha
with red sandalwood is very expensive from the Mountains
Himalaya. Then Buddha Narada after giving a sermon,
predicted, "You certainly will become a Buddha in the future
front. "
After hearing the Buddha's prophecy, bodhisatta be very
happy and determined to fulfill His Perfection
with more vigor.
The characteristics of the Buddha Narada
Narada Buddha was born in the city of Dha ¤ ¤ avatã; His father is King
Sudeva world and his mother was Queen Anoma.
He ruled for nine thousand years and three of his palace
are: the palace Jita, Vijita palace, and palace Abhirama.
His Consort is Vijitasenà which has forty-three
thousand servants. His son was Prince Nanduttara.
After seeing the four signs, he went off
worldliness by foot, without using the vehicle.
He underwent dukkaracariya practice for seven days.
Two of his students are Bhaddasàla Thera and Vijitamitta
Thera. His attendant is Vàseññha Thera.
His two female Chief Disciples were Theri Uttara and Theri Phaggunã.
His Bodhi tree is a tree soõa.
Two students lay His major is rich and Uggarinda
Vasabha, and two students lay His major is Upàsikà Indàvarã
and Upàsikà Vaõdã (Gaõói).
His high and eighty-eight arms (approximately 44
meters). He is respected in ten thousand of the universe jatikhetta
like a pile of gold that was established as an object of worship, other than
, the light shines everywhere from his body as far as one
Yojana day and night without interruption.
During the life of Buddha Narada, because the bright light of
Buddha's body, people who are within one Yojana
of the Buddha does not need to turn on the lights.
Age of human life on the Buddha Narada reached
ninety thousand years old and over four-fifths of age
human life at that time he use to help
-human creatures, gods, and Brahma of the ocean-
saÿsàra and placing it on the beach nirvana.
Like a beautiful sky as full of stars
and the planets, so the teaching of Buddha Narada
with the Arahanta noble.
To those non-Arahanta, which was still a
laity and in the stage of practice (sekkha), Buddhist building
big and strong bridge to cross the river saÿsàra
with ease. After fulfilling his duties as a
Buddha, he reached Parinibbana with some students
His Arahanta.
Narada Buddha which is only comparable to the Buddhas
an unparalleled and who has the glory Arahanta
no appeal has been destroyed. No-self and all in vain
Thus, Buddha Narada, conqueror of the five Mara, reaching
Parinibbana Sudassana City. In the place that established a
cetiya as high as four Yojana as a homage to the Buddha