Showing posts with label Phussa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phussa. Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Buddhavamsa - Phussa

Phussa Buddhavamsa

The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas
by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw

After the Buddha Tissa Parinibbana in Manda kappa where
there are two Buddhas, the age of human life come down slowly
land of a hundred thousand years to ten years and then rise
again until asaïkhyeyya. When the age of human life decreases
again until you reach ninety thousand years, bodhisatta Phusa
after fulfilling his Perfection, born in Heaven Tusita,
according to the tradition of all bodhisatta. Accept the petition of the
gods and Brahma to become a Buddha, he is down to nature
humans and into the uterus Sirimà Queen, consort of King
Jayasena from Kàsika City. Ten months later bodhisatta
born in the Garden Sirima.
Palace Life
When Prince Phussa adulthood, he lived in three
palaces, namely, Garulapekkha, Hamsa, and Suvaõõabhàra and served
by thirty thousand female servants, led by his wife
named Princess Kisa Gotama, he enjoyed the luxury of
the palace like a god for nine thousand years.
Removing worldliness
When bodhisatta Phussa saw four signs, and after Princess
Kisa Gotama gave birth to a son named Anupama, he
go off worldliness with elephant ride. Ten
million men to follow His example and be a hermit as well.
Perfect Enlightenment
Accompanied by ten million hermit that, bodhisatta Phussa undergo
dukkaracariya practice for six months; later, with
leaving his followers, he tried to practice with
lived in seclusion for seven days. On full moon day in month
Vesàkha, the day when he will reach the Perfect Enlightenment,
He ate rice milk that is brought to you by Sirivadhhà
a daughter of a rich man from a town and spend
simsapa that day in the woods nearby. In the evening
He walked alone toward the Mahabodhi àmaõóa and in
He received eight journey of a bunch grass
hermit named Sirivaddha. Soon after he cast a
grass under the Mahabodhi, appeared in that place Aparajita
pallaïka as high as thirty-eight arms. Sitting cross-legged on
He attained Buddhahood pallaïka such a way that
same as the previous Buddhas.
Three Events resentatiom Dhamma
After attaining Buddhahood, Buddha Phussa silent during
forty-nine days near the Mahabodhi, then he
Brahma application undertakes to teach the Dhamma.
As he pondered who would he teach first
time, he saw one crore hermit, who accompanied him during
let go of worldliness that armed with the services they
have, can penetrate Road and fruit. Buddha soon
travel through space and get off at the Deer Park
Isipatana near City Sankassa. In the middle of the hermit
The Buddha preached the sermon Dhammacakka to
all those present as that of Buddha-Buddha
earlier. On that occasion, one hundred thousand crore humans, gods,
and Brahma reached Roads and fruit.
(This isis the first Dhammàbhisamaya )
On another occasion, King Sirivaddha from Bàranasã, after
leave their wealth, a sage together
with nine million followers. Buddha came to the place
ascetic and taught the Dhamma to them;
nine million being reached Roads and fruit.
(This isis the second Dhammàbhisamaya )
On another occasion, the Buddha preached the sermon to
His son, Prince Anupama. Eight million gods and humans
achieve the Roads and fruit.
(This isis the third Dhammàbhisamaya )
Three Events Conferences Students (Sannipàta)
There are three events of the gathering of Buddhist students Phussa; which
The first occurred in Kaõõakujja. There Prince Surakkhita and
Dhammasena adviser son, later became Chief-Student, and
the urban population of six million people welcome
Buddha who is visiting the city: they are very
respect the Buddha and giving offerings for the past seven
days. After listening to the sermon of Buddha, the second prince
be sure to Buddha and became a monk together
with six million men who accompany him, it all worked out
Arahatta attained. In the middle of the Arahanta
This Buddha expounded Ovada Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the first Sannipàta )
On another occasion, a meeting of relatives Buddha
led by his father, King Jayasena from City Kasika-
Buddha told a history of Buddha. After listening
story, five million people became 'IHE-monks' and succeed
Arahatta attained. During the meeting five million
Arahanta this, the Buddha expounded Ovada Pàtimokkha
(This isis the second Sannipàta )
On another occasion, when men and gods discuss
about the blessing (maïgala) which brought prosperity in the world,
but did not get an answer that is acceptable by all
parties, then they asked the Buddha, Buddha
expound Maïgala Sutta. After listening to this sermon,
four million people became monks and managed to reach the level of
Arahatta purity. In the midst of this Arahanta, Buddha
Ovada expound Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the third Sannipàta )
As the Buddha would be King Vijitàvã Receiving
Forecast of Buddha Phussa
At that time, we are the King Vijitàvã bodhisatta City
Arindama. After listening to the sermon of Buddha, he became
believes in the Buddha, he gave offerings
large, left the city, became a monk and studied
Three Pitaka. Having mastered the Three Piñaka, he spread
Dhamma to all people. He is also perfectly
Perfection meets Morality.
Then Buddha Phussa, leader of the three realms, predicting
Bhikkhu bodhisatta Vijitàvã, "Ninety-two kappa of
now, Venerable Vijitàvã this will become a Buddha
named Gotama. "
After hearing predictions Phussa Buddha, Bhikkhu bodhisatta
Vijitàvã filled with confidence and determined to meet
His Perfection Ten more serious.
As a monk and the Buddha's servant in Phussa
and had studied the teachings of the Buddha
nine sections including the Vinaya and Sutta, a noble bodhisatta
add glory and triumph of the Buddha Phussa.
(No lie at all), to practice only in three postures,
sitting, standing, and walking, living the life bodhisatta
lofty and noble (Brahmàvihàra) without laziness and negligence,
managed to achieve not only the eight achievement, but also
the culmination of five high wisdom; after death,
He is reborn in the Brahma.
The characteristics of the Buddha Phussa
Buddha was born in the City Phussa Kasika; His father was King Janasena,
and his mother was Queen Sirimà.
He ruled for nine thousand years, three of his palace
is Garulapakkha, Hamsa, and Suvannabhàra.
His wife named Kisa Gotama served by thirty thousand
waiter; His son was Prince Anupama.
After seeing the four signs, he let go of worldly
with elephant riding; He underwent dukkaracariya practice
for six months.
Two of his students are Surakkhita Thera and Dhammasena
Thera. His valet is Sabhiya Thera.
His two main girls are Cala and Thera Thera Upacàlà. Tree
His is the Bodhi tree amaõóa.
Two students lay His major is rich and Dhananjaya
Visakha, and the two girls lay His major is Upasika Padumà
and Upasika dragon.
Phussa Buddha height is fifty-eight arms;
shine like the sun that has the characteristics of beauty
Age of human life in the Buddhist Phussa is
ninety thousand years. Over four fifths of age
life, the Buddha to save the creatures Phussa
like humans, gods, and Brahma of the ocean and saÿsàra
placing it on the beach nirvana. Having fame and
followers are unequaled, and several Buddhist Phussa
His Arahanta students achieve and end Parinibbana
The last life.
Thus, the Buddha Phussa, Conqueror five Mara, reaching
Parinibbana Sena Park near City Kusinárá. In accordance with
His will, His relics spread throughout Jambådãpa and
adored by humans, gods, and Brahma.