Showing posts with label Sobhita. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sobhita. Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Buddhavamsa - Sobhita

Sobhita Buddhavamsa

The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas
by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw

After the Buddha Revata Parinibbana, age of human life down
slowly than sixty thousand years to ten years;
and then from ten years to rise again slowly until
one asaïkhyeyya, later age of human life down again
and when human life reaches the age of ninety
thousand years, bodhisatta Sobhita after meets perfection
over four hundred thousand asaïkhyeyya and kappa, was born in Heaven
Tusita following the custom of every bodhisatta. While enjoying
life there, he agreed that the petition
submitted by the gods, he descended from the gods of nature to nature
humans and into the uterus Sudhamma, consort of King
Suddhama, in town with the same name. Ten months later
He was born like a full moon out from
Palace Life
When bodhisatta, Prince Sobhita, an adult, she lived in three
beautiful palace, which was named, Kumuda, Nalina, and Paduma,
living in the kingdom of heaven is like with his wife, Manila, and
served by thirty-seven thousand female servants.
Removing worldliness
While he was enjoying life, the princess gave birth
a son, named Siha. After seeing four
omen, bodhisatta overwhelmed by religious feeling. Even in
He has undergone in the palace and hermitage practice practice
breathing meditation (ànàpànabhàvanà) until he managed to achieve
Fourth Jhana; still in the palace he underwent practices
dukkaracariya for seven days.
Then, on full moon day in month-day She Vesàkha
will attain Buddhahood He received a rice-milk
brought to you by Anula, his own wife. He then
"Hopefully this my palace, with all decorations, flying to
space, witnessed by many people, then down
to the ground and make a Bodhi tree right in the middle-
middle. As I live near the Bodhi tree later, hopefully
all female residents of the palace to leave this palace without
need I want. "
Soon after he so wishes, the court bodhisatta
up from the courtyard of his father, King Sudhamma, the sky
dark greenish blue. The palace was equipped with a garnish
and perfume that beautify the sky shining bright
like the sun with a beautiful light golden rain tanks
liquid, and also like the bright moon in the month of the season Kattikà
fall. Palace fly flew into the realms of heaven and attract
attention of many people because of bright colors from the branches
twigs of trees and various jewels.
Also there is a collection of beautiful objects and valuable, bell-
small bell hanging dangle. Touched by the wind
gently blowing, the bells are produced Twang
melodious as the music generated by the five kinds of musical instruments
played by expert musicians. Tuneful twang from afar
This attracted the attention of many people as if to invite them
to go flying, not too tall and not too low,
whether they were in the house or in the streets
all admire the voice; voice seemed to tell
bodhisatta would virtues.
Female dancers who are in the flying palace
sing songs with a melodious voice like the sound of five
types of musical instruments. They also discuss the praises of
Bodhisatta, among them. Four layers of troops bodhisatta
around the palace in the sky just like on the ground
like the gods are shining with their equipment
and their bodies glowing in their clothing such as
the flowers are fragrant.
After the flight, the palace fell to the ground and then
Bodhi tree dragon appeared right in the middle. The tree
as high as eighty-arm, straight trunk, large, and round,
beautiful with the flowers, leaves, buds, and bud.
Then the dancers are women out of the palace and
go on their own.
Perfect Enlightenment
With the full majesty of the various virtues and surrounded
by many people, Buddhists Sobhita obtain three kinds
wisdom within three duty that night. Mara army
come as usual. His palace, was still in there.
Three Events resentatiom Dhamma
After achieving Perfect Enlightenment, the Buddha lived Sobhita
for forty-nine days took place around
Bodhi tree. Then he receives a request Brahma
to teach the Dhamma, and when he pondered
He who will teach the first time, he saw with
His mind's eye, his younger cousin, Princess Asama and Sunetta.
Knowing that they have sufficient service (uppanissaya)
to be able to understand the Dhamma a deep and difficult to understand.
He decided to teach them. Pronto
He went to walk through the space and get off at Park
Sudhamma. Through the gardener, the Buddha called them.
Surrounded by both the prince and his followers in
the midst of many humans, gods, and Brahma is not
Countless who came from all realms of
Bhavagga highest to the lowest hell âvici nature, Buddha
Dhammacakkappavattanasutta expound. As a result, no
Countless human beings, gods, and Brahma understand Four
Noble Truths.
(This isis the first Dhammàbhisamaya ).
On another occasion, after the show Double Miracle
of water and fire near the beautiful cittapatali tree near the door
Sudassana city gate, sitting on a flat stone pandukambala
under the coral tree, the Buddha expounded the Abhidhamma.
At the end of the sermon that ninety thousand crore gods and
Brahma through the Four Noble Truths and thus
(This isis the second Dhammàbhisamaya ).
On another occasion, Prince Jayasena has a
Vihara in a park that has trees Sudassana
beautiful, beautiful like Asoka, assakanna, and others who planted
adjacent to one another. He presents
monastery and its gardens to Saÿgha led by
Buddha. In the handover ceremony, Buddhist Sobhita provide
sermon as a reward for such an offering, praise
generosity prince (Mahadana). At the end of the sermon a hundred
thousand crore-human creatures, gods, and Brahma-penetrating
Truth and achieve freedom.
(This isis the third Dhammàbhisamaya ).
Three Events Conferences Students (Sannipàta)
Offertory Sunandarama Vihara, in the City of Sunanda, conducted by
King Uggata to Saÿgha led by the Buddha. In
this occasion one hundred crore IHE-monks gathered Arahanta.
To them the Buddha expounded Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the first Sannipàta ).
Next, a group of good people, Dhammagana,
build a monastery in the town named Gaõàrama Mekhala
and offer it to Saÿgha led by
Buddhist, they also offer a variety of needs
other. On this occasion, assembled ninety-IHE
Arahanta monks. On this occasion the Buddha expounded
(This isis the second Sannipàta ).
After teaching Abhidhamma Tàvatiÿsa and dwells in Heaven
there during the rains retreat, accompanied by the gods and Brahma,
Buddha Sobhita down to human nature to do Pavàraõà.
At that time a meeting was held which was marked by four characteristics
(as in the story of other Buddhas), which was attended by
Arahanta eighty crore.
(This isis the third Sannipàta ).
Upcoming Buddha Gotama As a Brahmin Sujata Receiving
Forecast From Buddha Sobhita
At that time, Will Gotama Buddha was born as a
Brahmin, named Sujata, whose parents also came from the caste
Brahmins, in the City Rammavatã. Having heard the Dhamma from
Buddha, he stated that seek refuge in the Three Refuges.
He is doing a big fund to the Buddha and Saÿgha during
three-month rains retreat. After that Buddha said forecast
about Brahmin Sujata, "This man will become a Buddha,
named Gotama, in the days to come. "
The characteristics of the Buddha Sobhita
Buddha was born in the City Sobhita Sudhamma. His father is King
Sudhammà and his mother was Queen Sudhammà.
He ruled for nine years and three thousand of his palace
is the palace Kamuda, Nalina palace, and palace Paduma.
His Consort is Manila which has thirty-seven thousand
servants. His son was Prince Saha.
That brings his worldly release after seeing four
His sign is the palace. He practiced dukkaracariya
only for seven days in this palace.
Two of his students are Asama and Sunetta Thera Thera.
His attendant was Thera Anoma.
His two female Chief Disciples were Thera Thera Nakul and Sujata. Tree
His Bodhi is the dragon tree.
Two students lay His major is rich and Ramma
Sudatta, and two students lay His major is Upàsikà Nakula
and Upàsikà Mitta.
His high-fifty-eight arms (approximately 29 meters). As
sunrise, he has a body that can be brilliant
shines in all directions as far as he wants.
As forests filled with trees with various
kinds of flowers and fragrant with the smell,
Buddhist forest likewise Sobhita form his words fragrant
by perfume morality.
Another parable: Like someone who does not get enough
looked at the waves that move arises drowned in the ocean,
humans, gods, and Brahma, never tired of listening to
Sobhita Buddha's words.
Age of human life in the Buddhist Sobhita achieve
ninety thousand years, and in a long life,
over four-fifths of age at the time of human life
that, he use to save a lot of people, gods,
and Brahma of the ocean and put them in saÿsara
Nibbana beach.
After passing his teachings of the most deep, long
and short, to the creatures that have not come
liberated in this life, Buddha Sobhita together
with his students to end his life and achieve
Parinibbana like an extinguished fire.
Sobhita Buddha, which is only comparable to the Buddhas
unequaled and his students have Arahanta
Abhi ¤ ¥ achieve Ana and other forces have vanished.
No-self and vain all conditioned.
Before Parinibbana, Buddha Sobhita determined, "When I
passed away, hopefully my relics are not gathered into
one, but split into many and reach many
places. "Then he Parinibbana Siha Park. Appropriate determination
His, His relics are not collected into one, but
scattered throughout Jambudipa and revered by creatures
humans, gods, and Brahma.