Showing posts with label Sujata. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sujata. Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Buddhavamsa - Sujata

Sujata Buddhavamsa

The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas
by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw

After the Buddha Sumedha Parinibbana, age of human life
slowly down from ninety thousand years as a
ten years, then rose again until asaïkhyeyya. When
old man down again until the ninety-year,
Sujata bodhisatta born in Heaven Tusita after fulfilling Ten
Perfection. Fulfilling the request of the gods and Brahma
to become a Buddha, he is down to human nature and enter
into the uterus Pabhavati Queen, consort of King Uggaha in the City
Sumangala. Ten months later, bodhisatta born.
On the day of the name by the wise, he was named
Sujata because when he was born, all human beings throughout
Jambådãpa experience happiness and unseen.
Palace Life
As an adult, she lived in three palaces, namely: Siri, Upasiri,
and Nanda, to be served by his wife, Princess Sirinanda and two
thirty-three thousand of His servants as long as nine thousand years.
Removing worldliness
When bodhisatta saw four signs, at the time of Princess Sirinanda
birth to a son who was named Upasena, he went
let go of worldliness with riding a horse called
Hamsavàha and became a hermit. One crore inspired men
by him and become a hermit as well.
Perfect Enlightenment
Sujata bodhisatta undergo dukkaracariya practice with one crore
Another hermit for the past nine months. On full moon day in month
Vesàkha, the day when he will reach the Perfect Enlightenment,
He ate rice milk offered by the daughter of a
Rich named Sirinandana of Sirinandana City, he spent
sala that day in the woods nearby. In the evening he walked
alone towards the Bodhi tree, receiving eight of the bunch grass
an adherent of the view one named Sunanda. Soon after
He let down the grass beneath the Bodhi tree Mahàveëu,
Aparajita emerged Palla ¤ ka arm as high as thirty-three in which
He sat cross-legged and four-level effort to mobilize his
Mara and his armies to conquer and achieve Buddhahood,
Perfect Enlightenment, the King of Three Nature.
Three Events resentatiom Dhamma
After attaining Buddhahood, and lived near the Mahabodhi
for forty-nine days, the Buddha accepted the petition
Brahma to teach the Dhamma, then ponder
to whom He will teach the Dhamma first time;
He saw his younger cousin, Prince Sudassana and son
His advisers, youth named Sudeva, which has merits
past that can deliver them to penetrate
Roads and fruit, Nibbana. Deciding to teach
Dhamma to them, the Buddha immediately travel
through space and in an instant until the Park Sumangala in
near City Sumangala and through the gardener, he called
Prince Sudassana and youth Sudeva. Buddha expounded
Dhammacakkapavatana Sutta, who also preached by
Buddhas prior to the two men and the gods
who were present there. On that occasion eighty crore gods
and the man managed to reach the road and fruit.
(This isis the first Dhammàbhisamaya ).
On another occasion, Buddha conquered the adherents
one view with double Magic show
water and fire near the sala tree near the gate to
Sudassana Park. And as I sat on a rock under a tree
pàricchattaka in Heaven Tàvatiÿsa in undergoing the rainy,
Buddha expounded the Abhidhamma. On that occasion, three
million seven hundred thousand gods and Brahma made ​​it to the Roads and
(This isis the second Dhammàbhisamaya ).
On another occasion, Buddha Sujata visit dad
¤ His City Suma gala. On that occasion six million gods and
human reach and Fruit Street.
(This isis the third Dhammàbhisamaya ).
Three Events Conferences Students (Sannipàta)
There are three events meeting the students: the first in
Sudhamma near the town where the Buddhist Sudhammavatã
teach Dhamma to those who come to visit
Him. Ordain six million people by calling them
"IHE-monks," then expounded Ovada Pàtimokkha to
(This isis the first Sannipàta ).
Later when the Buddha descended from Heaven Tàvatiÿsa, gathered
five million monks.
(This isis the second Sannipàta ).
On another occasion, when the Student President, Sudassana Thera, which
sitting right next to the Buddha brought four hundred thousand people
to the Buddha. These people decided to release the
worldliness, after hearing that the Buddha's younger brother, Prince
Sudassana has become a Buddhist monk under the guidance of
and has attained Arahatta and they become
inspired. Buddha gave some instructions to
them, making them IHE-monks and expounds Ovada
Pàtimokkha at that meeting that has four characteristics.
(This isis the third Sannipàta ).
As the Buddha would be King of the World Receives Forecast
of Buddha Sujata
At that time, bodhisatta is a king of the world, hear
that has appeared a Buddha in the world, he approached
Buddha, listening to Dhamma sermons, offered
kingdom, including seven kinds of property inheritance to
Saÿgha led by the Buddha, he later became
monk. Residents in all Jambådãpa consider yourself
as guards and servants of the monastery, collecting taxes from
each region and routinely meet the needs of
Buddha and Saÿgha with four basic needs ie: robes,
food, shelter, and medicine.
Then Buddha Sujata forecasts say, "He will be
Buddha in the future. "
Hearing the Buddha's prophecy, bodhisatta be very happy
and was determined to be more enthusiastic in meeting
His perfection.
He joined the Buddha Sujata and successful Saÿgha
studied the teachings of the Buddha which was divided into nine
group and the Sutta and Vinaya. Thus He is credited with
in the teachings of the Buddha Sujata embellish it.
After studying the practice of brahma vihara bhavana, meditation
lead to birth in the Brahma, never lazy in
three positions-sitting, standing, and walking (without lying down),
He managed to achieve not only the eight achievement, but also
five mental abilities, and at the time of death, he
born in the Brahma.
The characteristics of the Buddha Sujata
Sujata Buddha was born in the City Sumangala; His father is King
Uggata and his mother was Queen Pabhàvati.
He ruled for nine thousand years, three of his palace
is Siri, Upasiri, and Nanda.
His wife called Sirinanda served by twenty-three thousand
waiter; His son was Prince Upasena.
He let go of worldliness on horseback, after
see the four signs; He underwent dukkaracariya practice
for nine months.
Two of his students are Sudassana and Sudeva Thera Thera.
His attendant is Narada Thera.
His two female Chief Disciples were the Theri Naga and Theri Nagasamàlà.
His Bodhi tree is a tree mahàvelu (bamboo trees
(bamboo tree has a large trunk, the leaves
very dense so there is no gap for the passage of light
sun; very lovely, straight, large, and interesting.
Growing from a single stem and the stem that branches out
very beautiful like a peacock tail hair which was tied into
one. Bamboo trees are not prickly; the branches grow into
four corners and no meetings, thus giving beauty
and shade.)
Two students lay His major is rich Sudatta and Citta,
and two students lay His major is Upàsikà Subhadà and
Upàsikà Paduma.
His high-fifty-arm (approximately 25 meters). He has
physically perfect.

Sujata Light of Buddha's body (like those of similar
Previous Buddhas unequaled) radiate
from all parts of his body in all directions as you wish-
Him. Unable to find the comparison.
Age of human life on the Buddha Sujata achieve
ninety thousand years. Life for four-fifths of
age of human life at that time he used to
helped a lot of human creatures, gods, and Brahma-from
saÿsàra ocean and placed it on the beach nirvana.
As beautiful waves in the ocean, like the stars
and planets beautiful twinkling in the sky, so
Sujata beauty of the Buddhist teaching that shine together
the Arahanta.
Sujata Buddha is only comparable to the Buddhas
previously unparalleled and all the earmarks of a
Unequaled Buddha was gone. No-self and
vain all conditioned!
Thus, Buddha Sujata, conqueror of the five Mara, reaching Parinibbana
Silamara Park. In the park was established a three-high cetiya
gàvuta as an homage to the Buddha Sujata.