Showing posts with label Padumuttara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Padumuttara. Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Buddhavamsa - Padumuttara

Padumuttara Buddhavamsa

The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas
by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw

(Kappa with a Buddha called Sara, with two Buddha
called Manda; three Buddha called vara; sàramanda means four,
and bhaddaka means five; If there is no single Buddhist
appeared in a period called kappa sunna.
Thus, with a Buddha called kappa kappa sara,
kappa with two Buddha called Manda kappa, three Buddha
vara called kappa, and the five Buddha called kappa bhadda; If
none of the Buddha who appears in a kappa-called
su ¤ ¤ a kappa. Kappa in which there are three Buddhas appear as time
the emergence of Buddhism Anomadassa, Paduma Buddha, and Buddha
Narada called vara kappa).
When vara kappa where the emergence of Buddhist Anomadassã,
Paduma, and Narada is over, and the innumerable kappa
(one asaïkhyeyya) also passed. And came at a
asaïkhyeyya and one hundred thousand kappas kappa before the present,
in which the Buddha emerged Padumuttara.
(This was Sara Kappa Kappa because it only appears one Buddha
namely Buddha Padumuttara own, however this is similar kappa
by Manda kappa with two Buddha because of its merits.
In this kappa, there are only people who are rich in terms of
Story Buddha Padumuttara are as follows:
After meeting his Perfection, bodhisatta Padumuttara
born in Heaven Tusita follow the tradition of all bodhisatta.
Fulfilling the request of the gods, and Brahma, he fell into
human nature and into the uterus Sujata, Consort of King
Ananda in the City Hamsavati. Ten months later bodhisatta
born in a royal park in Hamsavati.
At the time of the birth of Prince Padumuttara, it was raining flowers
lotus so that the relatives named Padumuttara.
Palace Life
As an adult, he enjoyed court life
like a god for ten thousand years in the three court-
Naravahana, Yasavahana, and Vasavattã hundred-and served by
twenty thousand female servants and his wife named
Removing worldliness
While enjoying her life, Princess Vasudatta delivery
a son named Uttara. And after seeing the four signs,
He decided to let go of worldliness. It was also
after he decided that, like a spinning Vasavattã Palace
wheel and then climbed into the sky, made ​​a motion like a spinning
moon and other celestial bodies then fall back
to the ground with the Bodhi tree in the middle.
Bodhisatta out of the palace and wearing a robe
presented by Brahma and a hermit in that place
as well. The palace was flying into town and back to its original place.
Except the women, all men who accompany bodhisatta
time it also became ascetic.
Perfect Enlightenment
Padumuttara Buddha with his followers through practice
dukkaracariya for seven days; on full moon day in month
Vesàkha-day he will reach the Perfect Enlightenment, he
receive milk rice offered by Rucananda, daughter
a rich man named Ujjeni Nigama; He spent the day
it in the woods sala, in the evening he walked alone toward
Bodhi tree. In the course of it he received eight tie
grass from an adherent of the view one named Sumittà
and so he let down the grass beneath the Bodhi tree,
Aparajita emerged pallaïka size thirty-eight
arm; sat cross-legged on pallaïka He deployed four
His level of effort and conquering armies of Mara;
He reached Pubbenivasa ¥ aoa on the first watch that night,
¥ Dibbacakkhu aoa on mid watch, and menerungkan
Dhamma Paticcasamuppada the third guard. After contemplation
that, out of Jhana bodhisatta breathing, and watched
five senses with all its characteristics; know arise
and disappearance (Udayabbaya ¥ AOA) of all (the conditioned),
He pondered the impermanence of the fifty characteristics *
these, and develop Vipassana Bright outlook until
¥ Gotrabhu level aoa, knowledge to decide
earthly shackles; through Ariya Magga, he penetrates
all the glory of a Buddha (Attaining Buddhahood), and
pronounce the verses of joy, "Anekajati saÿsàram ...
taõhànam khayamajjhagà, "which has always spoken by all
(* Note: ten ways for each of the five khandha,
form the 50 entirely. Ten ways described in this
Comments Pañisaÿbhida Magga as follows: impermanence
(anicca), damage (paloka), not solid (Cala), destruction
(pabhangu), uncertain (adhuca), is always changing (viparinama
dhamma), no-self (Asara), unpleasant (vibhava) and
must have experienced the death of (Marana dhamma).)
At the time bodhisatta become a Buddha, there was more rain flower
lotus decorate all the objects in the ten thousand natural
To note here are:

After achieving Perfect Enlightenment, the Buddha Padumuttara
Phala Samàpatti stayed in for seven days under
Bodhi tree (in the first week); on the eighth day,
He is thought to stand on the ground, and when he
His right foot on the ground, a lotus
grows in water by supernatural bust out of the ground just
under the soles of his feet.
Each lotus flowers have size nine arms, and each
flowerets have enough honey to fill nine
jug of water.
High Padumuttara Buddha is fifty-eight arms,
the length of his arms are eighteen arms,
His forehead five arms, hands and feet eleven arms.
When his foot was stepped on eleven arm stamen
as high as twelve arms, much less nine pitchers pollen
grow and spread throughout his body fifty
eight arms high like red and yellow powder and
sown white into his body. Because of this miraculous event he
Buddha called Padumuttara.

(This explanation is described by the reader Saÿyutta Nikaya).

Three Events resentatiom Dhamma
After achieving Perfect Enlightenment, the Buddha Padumuttara
stayed for seven weeks by the tree Mahabodhi (sàlala).
After receiving the request of Brahma, whom he thought
He who would teach the first time. He saw Prince Devala
and Prince Sujata (Students Going Home), which already has service
past that enables them to achieve the Roads
and fruit, Nibbana. As he pondered where they
was, he knew that they were in Mithila. Buddha
take his bowl and robe, and then perform
travel through space to park in the city of Mithila.
Then, through the gardener, Buddha summoned Padumuttara
the two princes who discuss "our uncle, Prince Padumuttara
after becoming a Buddha came to our place in the city of Mithila. We
must go and see him. "Then they visited the
Buddha with his followers then sat around
Padumuttara beautiful Buddha illuminated by the two princes
who serve Him, looks like the moon surrounded by
stars. Then expound Dharma
Sutta to all who attended. On occasion, one hundred thousand
crore humans, gods, and Brahma achieve the Roads and fruit,
(This isis the first Dhammàbhisamaya ).
At other times, when Sarada, the ascetic, is teaching
evil teachings to his followers, who can bring
to birth in the wild passion, Buddha went to the meeting
Sarada it and teach the Dhamma to the people who
innumerable, provides a description of
Natural hazards Niraya born (nature of pain). In
chance that three million seven hundred thousand gods and humans, including
Sarada's followers reached Roads and fruit, Nibbana.
(This isis the second Dhammàbhisamaya ).
On another occasion, the Buddha's father, King Ananda, send
twenty ministers who accompanied twenty thousand troops to
invite Buddhist Padumuttara who was located in the City
Mithila, home to the City Hamsavati (As performed by
King Suddhodana to his son, the Buddha Gotama). After
arrived at the front of the Buddha in Mithila, twenty-two ministers and their
tens of thousands of troops summoned by the Buddha, "O Come
monk "after giving a sermon. Thus they
IHE-all become monks. Then they were together
visit the City Hamsavati and dwells in the city to
help the spiritual life of his father.
Likewise, the Buddha who visited Kapilavatthu
and expounds the history of the Buddhas in the presence of relatives-
His Padumuttara Buddha also expounded on Buddhavaÿsa
midst of his relatives as he walked on the street
gem trails in the sky. On that occasion, five million gods
and human reach and Fruit Street, Nibbana.
(This isis the third Dhammàbhisamaya ).
Three Events Conferences Students (Sannipàta)
Meeting the Buddha Padumuttara students also occurred three times.
The first meeting was attended by a hundred thousand crore monks at
full moon day in the month of Magha, the Buddha expounded Ovada
Pàtimokkha, in the park which is also called Mithila.
(This isis the first Sannipàta ).
On another occasion, after a period of rains retreat at Mount
Vebhàra, Buddha taught the Dhamma to the people who
countless who came to see him. After
called "Come O monk," ninety crore from
IHE-they become monks. In meeting these monks
Buddha expounded Ovada Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the second Sannipàta ).
On another occasion, the Buddha Padumuttara, King of Three Nature,
during a trip to help the creature
to be free from defilements, expound Ovada Pàtimokkha
in meeting eighty thousand monks who release
worldliness of the various villages, cities and countries.
Will Buddha Gotama As Governor Receives Forecast
of Buddha Padumuttara
At that time, Will Buddha named Jatila, a
governor of a province rich, he did
massive food offerings to the Saÿgha
led by the Buddha. At the end of the sermon delivered
as awards from the offering received, Buddha
predicted the governor, "One hundred thousand kappas from now, people
This will become a Buddha named Gotama. "
Hearing the Buddha's prophecy, became very excited bodhisatta
and was determined to be more enthusiastic in fulfilling Ten
His perfection.
Privileges of The Buddha Padumuttara
While the emergence of Padumuttara Buddha, the ascetic
the view is wrong, feel very unhappy, depressed, not
able to do nothing and slowly disappear. They
not respected, there is no charity to them, and
isolated. In other words, they were driven away from the place
The ascetic followers of view of the assembly and
approached the Buddha and said, "It's incredible honor, please
become our patron. "
Buddhist compassion accept those who come to Him,
and provide guidance three Refuges and the Five Sala.
Thus, during the Buddha Padumuttara, no person
adopt the view is wrong. It's amazing, together
the Arahanta who already has five types of capabilities, which
not affected by the eight worldly conditions and who have
virtue in Sala, Samadhi, Pa ¤ ¤ à, and Khanti.
The characteristics of the Buddha Padumutara
Buddha was born in the City Padumuttara Hamsavati; His father is
King Ananda and his mother was Queen Sujata.
He ruled for ten thousand years, three of his palace are:
Naravàhana, Yasavahana, and Vasavattã.
His wife called Vasudatta served by forty-three
thousand servants; His son was Prince Uttara.

(The number of servants in the 'Life Palace' stated one
million two hundred thousand people 'but here is mentioned forty
three thousand, two numbers are not consistent. It should be understood, that
the previous figure is the total of all servants, while
number forty-three thousand is the number of servants who serve
at one time).
Vehicles used in the release worldliness is
a palace; He underwent a seven-dukkaracariya practice
Two of his students and Thera Thera Devala Sujata. Waiter
His personal is Sumana Thera.
His two female Chief Disciples were Theri Amita and Theri Asama. Tree
His is the Bodhi tree sàlala.
Two students lay His major is rich Vitiõõa and Tissa,
and two students primarily laymen and Upàsikà Upàsikà Haññha
His high-fifty-eight arms (approximately 29 meters).
Having thirty-two marks of an extraordinary human being. Like
gold pole that is used as an object of veneration.
The light that shone from his body can not be blocked by
walls, doors, trees and other objects, high and
spread in all directions, the light shines all around so far
twelve Yojana.
Age of human life in the Buddhist Padumuttara achieve
hundred thousand years. He lived for eighty thousand years
(four-fifths of the age of human life generally), and
helped a lot of human creatures, gods, and Brahma-from
saÿsàra ocean and placed it on the beach nirvana.
After eliminating all doubts of creatures
diantarnya to Nibbana, the Buddha Padumuttara with students-
His students' end of life (like a fire burning
flaming then goes out after the last big blaze.)
Thus, the Buddha Padumuttara, conqueror of the five Mara, reaching
Parinibbana Park Nanda. In places it was established a cetiya
as high as twelve Yojana as homage to the Buddha