Tipitaka / Tripitaka / Three Baskets
Many people don't know the real shape of
Tipitaka / Tripitaka.
Tipitaka / Tripitaka means three baskets, but it doesn't consists of only three books.
If only three books, that books will be too thick / big to be made.
If all
Tipitaka / Tripitaka books is assembled together, the size is 1 bookshelf.
Sometimes more, depending on the size of the bookshelf.
The word Tipitaka / Tripitaka means three Baskets. They are the Basket of Discipline
(Vinaya Pitaka), the Basket of Discourses (Sutta Pitaka / Sutra Pitaka) and the Basket of
Ultimate Doctrine (Abhidhamma Pitaka / Abhidharma Pitaka).
Vinaya Pitaka
Vinaya Pitaka consists of the following five books:
1. Parajika Pali (Major Offences)
2. Pacittiya Pali (Minor Offences)
3. Mahavagga Pali (Greater Section)
4. Cullavagga Pali (Lesser Section)
5. Parivara Pali (Epitome of the Vinaya)
Sutta Pitaka
Sutta Pitaka consists of the following five Nikayas (Collections):
1. Digha Nikaya (( Collection of 34 ' Long Discourses ')
2. Majjhima Nikaya (( Collection of 152 ' Middle-length Discourses ')
3. Samyutta Nikaya (Collection of 7,762 ' Connected Discourses/ Kindred
Sayings ')
4. Anguttara Nikaya (Collection of 9,775 Single-item Upwards Discourses/
Gradual Sayings)
5. Khuddaka Nikaya (Collection of 15 ' Little Texts ')
This fifth is subdivided into fifteen books:
1. Khuddaka Patha (a collection of ' Little Readings/ Shorter Texts ' for
recitation )
2. Dhammapada (423 verses on Dhamma/ the Way of Truth)
3. Udana (80 short Paeans of Joy )
4. Itivuttaka (112 short " Thus said" Discourses )
5. Sutta Nipata (a collection of 71 verse on Collected Discourses )
6. Vimana Vatthu (stories on heavenly rebirths/ Celestial Mansions )
7. Peta Vatthu (stories of Petas/ the departed on rebirths )
8. Theragatha (verses about early monks attaining enlightment/ Psalms of
the Brethren)
9. Therigatha (verses about early nuns attaining enlightment/ Psalms of
the Sisters)
10. Jataka (a collection of 547 (550) stories of previous lives of the
Buddha )
11. Niddesa (an ' Exposition ' on part of Sutta-nipata )
12. Patisambhida (Book on Analytical Knowledge )
13. Apadana (stories on past lives of early monks and nuns/ Lives of
14. Buddhavamsa ('Chronicle' of 24 previous Buddhas)
15. Cariya Pitaka (building up the ' Perfections ' of a Bodhisatta in
previous lives )
Abhidhamma Pitaka
Abhidhamma Pitaka is composed of the following seven works:
1. Dhammasangani (Enumeration/Classification of Dhamma)
2. Vibhanga (Book of Analysis/ Divisions)
3. Dhatukatha (Discourse on Elements)
4. Puggala Pannatti (The Book on Individuals)
5. Kathavatthu (Points of Controversy)
6. Yamaka (The Book of Pairs)
7. Patthana (The Book of Causal Relations)
The size of the
Tipitaka Texts do not frighten the followers as the
Buddha made it clear in His numerous discourses that only the knowledge
realised through meditation is the final key to
Nibbana, the ultimate
peace. But before we become enlightened in this life or future lives, we
as Buddhists, have to live the Buddhist way of life, in accordance with
what the Buddha taught. So, preservation of the Buddha's Teaching
(Buddha's Sasana) is very important for us as well as for the future
Download English Tipitaka
Khuddaka Nikaya
Vimanavatthu http://www.mediafire.com/?oeshgdpxv8285du
Petavatthu http://www.mediafire.com/?38dv4z294hbqz66
Cariyapitaka http://www.mediafire.com/?w33738y0ge1d4p3
Abhidhamma Pitaka Yamaka http://www.mediafire.com/?3nccf4irjc6hex6
Tipitaka |
See also:
Vinaya Pitaka,
Sutta Pitaka,
Abhidhamma Pitaka