Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Abhidhammattha Sangaha - Different Combinations of Mental States

Abhidhammattha Sangaha ( A Manual of Abhidhamma )

Translated by Narada Maha Thera
Published By the Buddhist Missionary Society

Different Combinations of Mental States
§3Tesam cittaviyuttanam39 — yathayogam’ito param
Cittuppadesu40 paccekam— sampayogo pavuccati
Satta sabbattha yujjanti— Yathayogam pakinnaka
Cuddasa’kusalesv’eva— sobhanesv’eva sobhana.
§3.The combination of each of these thought-adjuncts in
different types of consciousness will hereafter be dealt
with accordingly.
Seven are linked with every type of consciousness.
The (six) Particulars are linked accordingly. The fourteen
are linked only with the Immorals, the (nineteen) Beauti-
ful, only with the Beautiful.
Sabbacittasadharana tava satta cetasika sabbesu’pi
ek’ånanavuti-cittuppadesu labbhanti.
Pakinnakesu pana:—
(a)Vitakko tava dvipancavinnana vajjitakamava-
caracittesu c’eva ekadasasu pathamajjhanacittesu ca’ti
pancapannasacittesu uppajjati.
(b)Vicaro pana tesu c’eva ekadasasu dutiyajjhana-
cittesu c’ati chasatthi cittesu jayati.
39. Cittaviyutta—Lit., inseparable from consciousness i. e., Cetasikas—mental
40. Cittuppado—Lit., genesis of consciousness. Here the compound term applies
to consciousness alone; in other cases both to consciousness and its adjuncts.

(c)Adhimokkho dvipancavinnanavicikicchavajjita-
(d)Viriyam pancadvaravajjana—dvipancavinnana—
(e)Piti domanass’upekkhasahagata—kayavinnana-
(f)Chando ahetuka—momåhavajjitacittesu labbhati,
§5.Te pana cittuppada yathakkamam:—
Chasatthi pancapannasa—ekadasa ca soëasa
Sattati visati c’eva—pakinnakavivajjita
Pancapannasa chasatthitthasattati tisattati
Ekapannasa c’ekåna—sattati sapakinnaka.
§4.In what way?
In the first place, the seven mental states common to every
consciousness are found in all the eighty-nine types of con-
Among the “Particular” mental states:—
(a)“Initial Application”41 arises in fifty-five types
of consciousness, to wit;
i.In all types of Kamavacara consciousness, exclud-
ing the twice fivefold sense-consciousness. (54 – 10 = 44)
ii.Also in the eleven types of first Jhana con-
sciousness. (44 + 11= 55)
41. Vitakka does not by nature occur in the ten types of moral and immoral
resultant sense-consciousness. It has been eliminated in the Higher Jhanas by
means of concentration.

(b)“Sustained Application” arises in sixty-six types
of consciousness, to wit: In those fifty-five and in the eleven
types of second Jhana consciousness. (55 + 11 = 66)
(c)“Decision” arises in all types of consciousness,
excluding the twice fivefold sense-consciousness and con-
sciousness, accompanied by “Doubt” (89 – 11 = 78)
(d)“Effort” arises in all types of consciousness,
excluding the sense-door directing consciousness, twice
fivefold sense-consciousness, receiving consciousness, and
investigating consciousness. (89 – 16 = 73)
(e)“Joy” arises in all types of consciousness, ex-
cluding those accompanied by displeasure, and indiffer-
ence (equanimity), body-consciousness,
42 and the fourth
Jhana consciousness. (121 – (2 + 55 + 2 + 11) = 51)
(f)“Conation” arises in all types of consciousness,
excluding the Ahetukas and the two modes of conscious-
ness accompanied by delusion. (89 – 20 = 69)
§5.Those types of consciousness in order are:—
Sixty-six, fifty-five, eleven, sixteen, seventy, and twenty
without the Particulars.
Fifty-five, sixty-six, seventy-eight, seventy-three,
fifty-one, sixty-nine are with the Particulars.
42.Body-consciousness—viz., that which is accompanied by pain and that by bliss
(Dukkha and Sukha).
43.At the end of the section the definite number of Cittas in which the Particulars
are not found and found is given. It should be noted that some numbers refer
to the total of 121, and some to 89

(Akusala Cetasika)
§6.(a)Akusalesu pana Moho, Ahirikam,
Anottapam, Uddhaccam c’ati cattaro’me
cetasika sabbakusalasadharana nama.
Sabbesu’pi dvadasakusalesu labbhanti.
(b)Lobho atthasu lobhasahagatesv’eva labbhati.
(c)Ditthi catusu ditthigatasampayuttesu.
(d)Mano catusu ditthigatavippayuttesu.
(e)Doso, Issa, Macchariyam, Kukkuccam
ca dvisu patighacittesu.
(f)Thinam, Middham pancasu sasaïkharikacittesu.
(g)Vicikiccha vicikicchasahagatacittey’eva
§7.Sabbapunnesu cattaro—lobhamule tayo gata
Dosamulesu cattaro—sasaïkhare
dvayam tatha
Vicikiccha vicikicchacitte c’ati catuddasa
Immoral Mental States
§6.(a)Of the Immoral mental states these four
44.The root of every evil is Moha (ignorance), because the evil-doer is not aware
of the evil consequences. With it are associated shamelessness to commit the
evil and disregard for the effects that follow. There is a certain amount of
restlessness of the mind when an evil is committed.

— namely, Delusion, (Moral) Shamelessness, (Moral)
Fearlessness, and Restlessness are common to every
Immoral consciousness.
(b)Attachment is found only in the eight types
of consciousness rooted in attachment.
45 is found in the four types of
consciousness accompanied by wrong view.
46 is found in the four types of con-
sciousness dissociated with wrong view.
(e)Hatred, Jealousy, Avarice, and Worry47
are found in the two types of consciousness accompanied
by illwill.
(f)Sloth and Torpor
48 are found in the five
types of prompted consciousness.
(g)Doubt is found only in the type of con-
sciousness accompanied by doubt.
45.As Ditthi gives rise to the conception of “my” and “mine” connected with
oneself, it occurs in the consciousness rooted in attachment.
46. Mana too originates with the “I”–conception connected with oneself. As such
it also is present only in types of consciousness rooted in attachment. Never-
theless, both Ditthi and Mana do not arise simultaneously in one particular
consciousness. Where there is Ditthi there is no Mana. Commentaries
compare them to two fearless lions that cannot live in one den. Mana may
arise in those four types of consciousness dissociated with Ditthi. But it does
not follow that Mana is ever present in them.
47.These four cannot arise in consciousness rooted in attachment because there
is some form of aversion in them instead of any kind of clinging. Even
Macchariya is a kind of aversion to other’s vying with oneself.
48. Thina and Middha are by nature opposed to adaptability. They lack the urge.
As such they cannot arise in types of consciousness that are unprompted
(Asankharika) which are naturally keen and active. They appear only in types
of prompted consciousness.

§7.Four are found in all Immorals, three in those rooted
in attachment, four in those rooted in illwill, and so
are two in the prompted.
Doubt is found in the consciousness accompanied
by doubt. Thus the fourteen are conjoined only with
the twelve Immorals in five ways.
(Sobhana Cetasika)
§8.(a)Sobhanesu pana sobhanasadharana tava
ek’una visati cetasika sabbesu pi ek’unasatthisobhana-
cittesu samvijjanti.
(b)Viratiyo pana tisso’pi Lokuttaracittesu sabba-
tha’pi niyata ekato’va labbhanti. Lokiyesu pana Kama-
vacarakusalesv’ eva kadaci sandissanti visum visum.
(c)Appamannayo pana dvadasasu pancamaj-
jhanavajjitamahaggatacittesu c’eva Kamavacarakusalesu
ca sahetukakamavacarakiriyacittesu c’ati atthavisaticittesv’
eva kadaci nana hutva jayanti. Upekkhasahagatesu
pan’ettha Karuna Mudita na santi’ti keci vadanti.
(d) Panna pana dvadasasu nanasampayuttaka-
mavacaracittesu c’eva sabbesu pancatimsamahaggatalokut-
taracittesu c’ati sattacattaëisa cittesu sampayogam
§9.Ek’unavisati dhamma jayant’ekunasatthisu
Tayo soëasacittesu atthavisatiyam dvayam

Panna pakasita sattacattaëisavidhesu’pi
Sampayutta catuddhv’evam sobhanesv’ eva sobhana
(Beautiful Mental States)
§8.(a)Of the Beautiful, at first, the nineteen mental
states common to the Beautiful are found in all the fifty-
nine types of Beautiful consciousness.
(b)The three Abstinences are definitely obtained all
at once in all places in the Supramundane types of conscious-
ness. But in the mundane Sense-sphere Moral types of con-
sciousness they are at times present severally. (8 + 8 = 16)
(c)The Illimitables arise at times differently in
twenty-eight types of consciousness—namely, the twelve
Sublime types of consciousness, excluding the fifth Jhanas,
the eight Moral types and the eight Sahetuka Functional
types of Sense-sphere consciousness. Some, however, say
that Compassion and Appreciative Joy are not present in
the types of consciousness accompanied by Upekkha
(Equanimity or Indifference). (12 + 8 + 8 = 28)
(d)Wisdom goes into combination with forty-
seven types of consciousness—namely, the twelve kinds of
Sense-sphere consciousness accompanied by wisdom, all
the thirty-five Sublime and Supramundane consciousness.
(12 + 35 = 47)
§9.Nineteen states arise in fifty-nine, three in sixteen,
two in twenty-eight types of consciousness.

Wisdom is declared to be in forty-seven types.
Beautiful are only in the Beautiful. Thus they are com-
bined in four ways.


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