Thursday, May 19, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Buddhavamsa - Anomadassi

Anomadassi Buddhavamsa

The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas
by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw

After the passing of the Buddha kappa Sobhita, after it passed too
Countless su ¤ ¤ a kappa, where kappa is not
there is the appearance of the Buddha, then the one after that kappa
appears three Buddhas, namely: Anomadassã, Paduma, and Narada.
First is Anomadassã.
After meeting His Perfection for sixteen
asaïkhyeyya and one hundred thousand kappas, like bodhisatta-bodhisatta
Other Tusita He was born in Heaven. Meet the demand of the gods
and Brahma, he is down to human nature and into the uterus
Yasodharà Queen, consort of King Yasavà Candavatã City.
A strange event happened today. Immediately after entry bodhisatta
into the uterus, because of his services, the bright light shining through more
than eighty arm away, beyond the light from the sun
and the moon.
Ten months later, the queen gave birth to Prince Yasodharà
Anomadassã Sucandana Park.
On the day of the name by the wise; while bodhisatta
still in the womb, Anoma seen gems fall from the sky,
continuously without stopping, which is why he is named
Palace Life
When bodhisatta, Prince Anoma, adulthood, he
live like a god in three palaces, namely: Sira, Upasirã, and Vaóóha
Sirimà with his wife, with being entertained and served by two
thirty-three thousand female servants for ten thousand years.

Removing worldliness
Furthermore, while enjoying life, the Princess Sirimà
birth to a son named Upavàõa. After seeing four
omen, bodhisatta Prince Anomadassã go off
worldliness by using a stretcher and a hermit. Three
His followers crore following the release of his worldliness,
all of a hermit as well. Together with the hermit
This bodhisatta dukkaracariya practice for ten
Perfect Enlightenment
After doing this practice, he went to receive
of food funds on full moon day in month-day She Vesàkha
will reach the Perfect Enlightenment, to the township of
Brahmin named Anupama. He ate rice milk
presented by Anopamà, daughter of a wealthy, then
He spent the day in sala forest near there, and go
alone to the Mahabodhi at night. On the way
that, he received eight bunch grass of Anoma, a
adherents of either view. Once he spread the grass
ajjuna it under the tree, there was seating Aparajita
as high as thirty-eight arms, where he sat cross-legged,
deployed four of his energy level, conquering armies
Mara, and then reach Buddhahood, Perfect Enlightenment,
Three King Natural.
After cutting the chain and with the road clinging saÿsàra
kammakkhaya overcome wisdom, which act
brought into the three realms of existence, the Buddha Anomadassã
Eight managed to understand the Way to Nibbana Berfaktor.
Buddha is like the ocean, which has the glory that is not
unshakable. With signs that difficult people
that is not good to approach him like Mount Meru. He
also like the sky in heaven because of His virtues are not
limited. It's amazing characteristics of his great and
small, like the sala trees that are blooming.
The people rejoiced, Buddha Anomadassã. With
listen to the teachings of Buddha, which they attain Nibbana
Three Events resentatiom Dhamma
After achieving Perfect Enlightenment, the Buddha Anomadassã
dwelt for forty nine days took place in
around the Bodhi tree. Then he receives a request
Brahma to teach the Dhamma, and when contemplating who
He who would teach the first time using the Eye
Buddha, who called Asayanusaya ¥ aoa, namely knowledge to
know the trends and nature of other creatures,
and Indriyaparopariyatti ¥ aoa, the knowledge to know
whether other creatures have a sense of mature or
no. Seen by him, his three crore followers who collectively
together with Him a hermit and has a past services
sufficient to achieve the Roads and fruit, Nibbana. After
reflect on and learn that they dwell in the Garden
Sudassana near City Subhavatã. He traveled
space, down into the garden and surrounded by three crore
sage, He preaches at Dhammacakkappavattanasutta
the midst of the gods and humans. On occasion, one hundred
crore beings, through the Truth and attain freedom.
(This isis the first Dhammàbhisamaya ).
In another incident, the Buddha shows the Wonders of Water Doubles
and a fire near the tree near the town Osadhi asana, after that he
sitting on the emerald under the tree, he devotes
rain Abhidhamma for three months of rains retreat. On occasion
these, eight crore being penetrated the Four Noble Truths and
achieve freedom.
(This isis the second Dhammàbhisamaya ).
On another occasion, when the Buddha preached the sermon
analytical (Pañisaÿbhida) on Maïgala, Blessings, seventy
eight crore beings attain freedom through understanding
about the Four Noble Truths.
(This isis the third Dhammàbhisamaya ).
Three Events Conferences Students (Sannipàta)
Also there is convergence of events Anomadassã Buddhist students.
At the first meeting of the Buddha expounded Anomadassã
Pàtimokkha in the midst of eight hundred thousand Arahanta, they
IHE-be monks because of their beliefs as Buddhists
teach Dhamma to King Isidatta Soreyya City.
(This isis the first Sannipàta ).
Furthermore, when the Buddha taught the Dhamma to
King Sundaridhara (Madhurindhara) in the City Ràdhavati, Buddha
Pàtimokkha expounded in the midst of seven hundred thousand
IHE-Arahanta who become monks because of their beliefs.
(This isis the second Sannipàta ).
Further more, the Buddha expounded in the middle-Pàtimokkha
middle six hundred thousand Arahanta the IHE-monk
together with the King Soreyya in town with the name
(This isis the third Sannipàta ).
Upcoming Buddha Gotama As a General Yakkha Receiving
Forecast From Buddha Anomadassã
Within Anomadassã Buddha, the Buddha is Going
Yakkha General in charge of several crore yakkha magic;
heard that "the Buddha has appeared in the world" He
visit the Buddha and create a large hall
and stately decorated with various kinds of jewels as a place
He gave offerings of food, beverages, etc.
to Saÿgha led by Buddhist for seven days.
While listening to the sermon General Yakkha dibabarkan
by the Buddha as an appreciation for the gifts, Buddhist
forecasts say, "One and one hundred thousand kappas asaïkhyeyya
of kappa now, General Yakkha this will definitely become a Buddha
named Gotama. "
The characteristics of the Buddha Anomadassã
Buddha was born in the City Anomadassã Candavati; His father is King
Yasavà and his mother was Queen Yasodharà.
He ruled for ten thousand years and three court are:
Sira palace, Upasirã palace, and palace Vaóóha.
His Consort is Sirimà Deva who has twenty-three
thousand servants. His son was Prince Upavàõa.
By using the stretcher as a vehicle, he went
worldliness release after seeing four signs; He
undergo dukkaracariya practice for ten months.
Two of his students are Nisabba Thera Thera and Anoma.
His attendant is Varuõa Thera.
His two female Chief Disciples were Thera Sundarã and Sumana Thera.
His Bodhi tree is a tree ajjuna.
Two students lay His major is Nandivaóóha and Sirivaóóha,
and two students lay His major is Upàsikà Uppalà and
Upàsikà Padumà.
His high-fifty-eight arms (approximately 23 meters). As
morning sunlight, his body light shine so far
twelve Yojana.
Age of human life in the Buddhist Anomadassã
reach a hundred thousand years old and in his life,
over four-fifths of the age of human life during
that, he used to help human-beings,
gods, and Brahma-the ocean and put them saÿsara
Nirvana on the beach.
Anomadasi Buddha's life consists of the teachings of His
decorated with the precious sparkling Arahanta noble, not
deterred by the unpleasant situation or not
fun out of this world and free from lust and filth
Anomadassã Buddha has innumerable followers
number and have the fame and two-Main Students
His and others who all have the virtue
unequaledhas vanished . No-self and all in vain
Buddha Anomadassã, Conqueror five Mara, reaching Parinibbana
Dhammarama Park. A cetiya built to worship
Anomadassã Buddha in the garden as high as twenty-five Yojana.
(Two people who later became Sariputta and Thera Thera Mogallàna
praying and begging in front of the altar of Buddha Anomadassã
so that later became Student President. This will tell later
in the story of Gotama).


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