Thursday, May 19, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Buddhavamsa - Paduma

Paduma Buddhavamsa

The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas
by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw

After the Buddha Anomadassã Parinibbana, age life
man who was then a hundred thousand years slowly
declined to be ten years; but later
age of human life to increase again, until the age of life
human reach asaïkhyeyya, then down again, when
age human life reaches a hundred thousand years. Will
Buddha Paduma after fulfilling His Perfection born
Tusita Heaven, the tradition of all bodhisatta. Having agreed
petition the gods and Brahma, he was down to human nature
and into the uterus Asama, consort of King Asama. Ten
months later bodhisatta campaka born in the forest.
At the time of birth bodhisatta, lotus flower rain drops
Jambådãpa down to the ocean all around him. Therefore
that, on the day of the name, the wise and their relatives
Mahapaduma name it.
Palace Life
Once an adult, living in three bodhisatta Mahapaduma
court, namely: Nandatura, Vasuttara, and Yasuttara to be served
by thirty-three thousand female servants under the leadership of
His wife Uttara Deva, he lived like a god for ten
thousand years.
Removing worldliness
When Princess Uttara birth to a son, named
Ramma, bodhisatta see the four signs, then he
let go of mundane with the celestial robe
the wagons drawn by thoroughbred horses and
be a hermit. One crore men follow in his steps and
be a hermit as well. With the hermit, who numbered one
crore, bodhisatta undergo dukkaracariya practice for eight
Perfect Enlightenment
After undergoing torture myself for eight months, on
days later he will achieve Buddhahood, bodhisatta eat rice
milk offered by Dhannavati, daughter of a wealthy
named Sudhannavati of Dhannavati City. After spending
sala that night in the woods nearby, the night he went alone,
leaving his followers, leading to the Bodhi tree. In
His journey He received eight of a bunch grass
naked hermit named Titthaka, and when he cast
grass beneath the Bodhi tree sona, comes the seat
Aparajita size thirty-three arms. He sat cross-legged
deployed four of his effort level, bodhisatta conquer
Mara army and reached Perfect Enlightenment, Buddhahood,
Three King Natural.
Three Events resentatiom Dhamma
After the Buddha attained enlightenment Paduma Perfect stay
for forty-nine days took place around
Mahabodhi. Then he receives a request Brahma
to teach the Dhamma, and when he pondered
He who will teach the first time, he saw one crore
hermit who accompany him in releasing worldliness;
after knowing their location in the park near City Dhana ¤ jaya
Dha ¤ ¤ avatã with his mind's eye, he took the bowl
and his robe and then in a flash to get there through
Seeing the Buddha came from afar, the hermit with the full
His loyalty welcome, brought his bowl and robes,
prepare his seat, prostrated himself and sat on his
surrounding the Buddha. And like the previous Buddhas,
Buddha preached the sermon Dhammacakkappavattana Paduma
among humans, gods, and Brahma. At that time, one hundred
crore humans, gods, and Brahma through the Dhamma, Roads and
(This isis the first Dhammàbhisamaya ).
On another occasion, the Buddha Paduma, surrounded by
His relatives, helping his younger siblings and Sala-Prince
Upasàla, later became Student President-and his followers,
and they all become monks. On that occasion
Buddha gave a sermon on human crore ninety
and the gods so that they all understand the Way and fruit.
(This isis the second Dhammàbhisamaya ).
On another occasion, the Buddha expounds the Dhamma Paduma
His Excellency Ramma and on that occasion eighty
crore humans, gods, and Brahma through the Four Truths
Noble and achieve freedom.
(This isis the third Dhammàbhisamaya ).
Three Events Conferences Students (Sannipàta)
There are three events of the gathering of Buddhist students Paduma;
The first event, a king named Subhàvitatta be
IHE-monk together with his followers numbering
one hundred crore. On that occasion the Buddha expounded Ovada
(This isis the first Sannipàta ).
The next event, the mass rains retreat, the Buddha Paduma
dependent of food funds obtained from the population
Usabhavati. Then the Buddha taught the Dhamma to anyone
no matter who came to see him. Many of those who appear
belief in the Buddha and became a monk. On the day of full moon
on the moon Assayuja, Buddha held a ceremony Visuddhi Pavàraõà
(rains retreat closing ceremony in which a monk asks
criticism from other monks regarding what has been seen,
heard or suspected for his actions) together
with the monks of Usabhavati and all other
amounted to one hundred thousand Arahanta. (Visuddhi Pavàraõà the meaning is
Pavàraõà who only attended by those who have reached
Arahatta level).
(This isis the second Sannipàta ).
When the lay people in the city, heard of the benefits
from offering Kathina robes, they offer
Kathina cloth to Saÿgha. Then members Saÿgha
officially handed to the official procedure
(kammavaca) to Thera Sala which is a Dhammasenapati,
General Dhamma who won seats to the right of the Buddha.
The monks then sew the garment together, the
for the cloak can be completed on the same day. Because of this
is the rule of Saÿgha, the Buddha himself helped them
by inserting thread into the needle hole. When the robe is finished
stitching, and three hundred thousand Buddhist monks to travel.
After that Buddha undergoing rains retreat in the forest like
Forest Gosinga consisting of sala trees. When the Buddha and
His followers were resting there, people come
meet Him. After listening to his preaching, conviction
they grow, and when he called by the Buddha with
say "IHE-monks", they instantly become
monk in the place. Then, surrounded by two hundred
thousands of monks, the Buddha entered Pavàraõà.
(This isis the third Sannipàta ).
(second and third Sannipàta version narrated by feedback.
While based on the version Tipiñaka, meeting three hundred thousand
Kathina robe monks while sewing for Primary Students Sala,
seem to be Sannipàta second. Although the commentators
knowing this, but the explanation is somewhat different from
Tipiñaka. Since the deviations are consistent with the opinion
previous commentators who believe and hold fast
on what is meant by the Buddha and the meeting at
Pavàraõà or at the time told resentatiom Ovada Pàtimokkha
as meeting the students in the prior Buddhavaÿsa
and afterwards).
Upcoming Buddha Gotama As a Lion King Receives Forecast
From Buddha Paduma
When Buddha Paduma dwells in the woods, bodhisatta
Gotama was a lion king. Watching Buddha
are in Nirodhasamàpatti, 'reach cessation', king
lion believes in the Buddha, saluted by
surrounding the Buddha. With great excitement, he roars three
time and remain there for seven days without a second
lost happiness derived from seeing the Buddha.
Without go looking for food, he lived near the Buddha with
respectful, even with the risk of hunger.
After the past seven days, after exit from Nirodhasamàpatti,
Buddha Paduma saw the lion and said, "Hopefully this lion
believes to Saÿgha also "at the same time he
decided to bring the members of the near-Saÿgha
Him, "May the monks come here." At that moment, some
crore monks arrived at the place. Bodhisatta believes
against Saÿgha too. After viewing bodhisatta mind, Buddha
Paduma forecasts say, "In the future this lion will
become a Buddha, named Gotama. "
Upon hearing this prediction, bodhisatta become increasingly
Ten Perfection encouraged to meet with more
The characteristics of the Buddha Paduma
Buddha was born in the City Paduma Campaka. His father is King
Asama and his mother was Queen Asama.
He ruled for ten thousand years, and three of his palace
is the palace Nanduttara, Vasuttara, and Yasuttara.
His Consort is Uttara who has thirty-three thousand
the waiter. His son was Prince Ramma.
Vehicles that are used to release the worldliness is
carriage drawn by thoroughbred horses; he underwent practice
dukkaracariya for eight months.
Two of his students is the Sala and Upasàla Thera Thera.
His chief aide is Varuna Thera.
His two main girls are Radha and Thera Thera Suràdhà. Tree
His is the Bodhi tree Mahàsoõa.
Two students lay His major is rich Bhiyya and Asama,
and two students lay His major is Upàsikà Ruci and Upàsikà
His high-fifty-eight arms (approximately 29 meters). Light
emanating from his body as far as he wanted shine
Light of the moon, sun, jewels, fire, and ruby vanish when
meet the Buddha with light body.
Age of human life in the Buddhist Paduma achieve
hundred thousand years old and over four-fifths of the age of life
man at that time, Buddhism has saved Paduma
many humans, gods, and Brahma of the ocean and saÿsàra
put them on the beach nirvana.
After helping many beings through the Four Truths
Honor even in moments before death, after teaching
many human creatures, gods, and Brahma-so they
to understand the Four Noble Truths, together with
His few students who have reached Arahatta, Buddha Paduma
achieve Parinibbana.
Like the snake that release of old skin, such as
trees shed their leaves that are old, such as
a flaming fire becomes extinguished after spending
fuel, says the Buddha attained Parinibbana,
stop all the things (samkhara), internal and
Thus, the Buddha Paduma, conqueror of the five crimes (Mara)
reach Parinibbana in a park known as
Dhammàràma. In accordance with his determination, his relics spread
all Jambådãpa and adored by humans, gods, and Brahma.


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