Thursday, May 19, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Buddhavamsa - Atthadassi

Atthadassi Buddhavamsa

The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas
by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw

After the Buddha Piyadassã Parinibbana, the kappa (which can
also called Manda kappa, because it is full of things
fun, flawless, and special signs despite
This is actually a vara kappa kappa because there are three Buddhas
appear in this kappa), the age of human life decreases
slowly than ninety thousand years to ten
years, then increased until asaïkhyeyya. While age
human life decreased again until it reaches one hundred thousand
year, Will was born in Heaven Buddha Atthadassã Tusita after
Perfection meet him, according to tradition the bodhisatta.
Accept the request of the gods and Brahma to become
Buddha, he went down to human nature and into the womb of Queen
Sudassana, consort of King Sagara in the City Sobhana. Ten
months later bodhisatta Sucindhana born in the Garden.
On the day of the name, he was given the name because Atthadassã
the owners of the treasure hidden treasures rediscovered
stored in the soil after saved from oblivion by
generation to generation.
Palace Life
When bodhisatta Atthadassã adulthood, he lived
in three palaces, namely, Amaragiri, Sigiri, and Vàhana to be served
by thirty-three thousand female servants, led by
His wife, Princess Visakha. He enjoyed life like a palace
god for ten thousand years.
Removing worldliness
When bodhisatta saw four signs after the Queen Visakha
birth to a son named Sela, he let go
worldliness with riding a horse named
Sudassana. Nine crore men to follow His example and
be a hermit as well.
Perfect Enlightenment
Together with nine crore people hermit, bodhisatta Athadassi
undergo dukkaracariya practice for eight months. On the day
Vesàkha full moon in the month, the day on which he will reach
Perfect Enlightenment, people came with
rice milk to be offered to a female dragon named
Suchindara. But he did not eat it; after show
his form to the people there, he offer
to bodhisatta by pouring milk into the rice
bodhisatta bowl. Bodhisatta eat it, then he
spent the day in the woods nearby sala. At night
He walked alone toward the Mahabodhi. On the way
He received eight tie it grass from the dragon king named
Mahàruci. Soon after he let down the grass beneath it
campaka Bodhi tree, there comes the high pallaïka Aparajita
fifty-three arms. Sitting cross-legged on the seat,
He put his four-level effort, conquers plague
Mara army and achieving Perfect Enlightenment, Buddhahood,
king of the three realms.
Three Events resentatiom Dhamma
After attaining Buddhahood, the Buddha stayed for fourty-nine days near the Bodhi tree, then he
Brahma application undertakes to teach the Dhamma.
As he pondered who would he teach first
time, he saw nine crore that came with his ascetic
when releasing worldliness that has past service
who can take them to penetrate the Roads and
Fruit. After pondering where they are, and seeing that
Anoma they are in the park near the city of Anoma, he immediately
travel through space to the Park Anoma,
near City Anoma.
Nine crore Atthadassã Buddhist monk saw approaching from
distance. With full fidelity, they perform duty
as happened in previous Buddhas, then
sitting around the Buddha, who then expound khobah
Dhammacakkappavattanasutta, as is done by
Other Buddhas. At the end of the sermon, one hundred thousand crore
Roads and fruit is being achieved.
(This isis the first Dhammàbhisamaya ).
On another occasion, the Buddha traveled Atthadassã
Tàvatiÿsa to Heaven and taught the Abhidhamma to the gods
and Brahma; hundred thousand crore gods and Brahma reached Roads
and fruit.
(This isis the second Dhammàbhisamaya ).
On another occasion, just as Gotama Buddha
visit his father in the city and tell Kapilavatthu
Buddhavaÿsa, as well as visiting the Buddha Atthadassã City
Sobhana and teach the Dhamma to his relatives
led by his father. At that time, a hundred thousand crore
human reach Way and its Fruit.
(This isis the third Dhammàbhisamaya ).
Three celebration of Students Meeting (Sannipàta)
There are three events of the gathering of students were Buddhist, the
The first occurred in Sucandaka, where Santa and his son Prince
counselors, Upasanta (later became Main Students) are not
find satisfaction in studying the three Vedas and various
holy book, commissioned four wise men and some
guard at the four city gates with the command, "Come
and we let you know, if you hear or see people who
have achieved Perfect Enlightenment, whether he is a hermit
or Brahmin. "
When Buddha Atthadassã, King Three Nature, and his disciples
His arrival at City Sucandaka, the people who commissioned it,
prince and son came to counsel and preach
them concerning the coming of the Buddha. After hearing the news
, they immediately go out of town with a heart full of happiness
accompanied by a thousand people retinue, greeting, respect, and
invited the Buddha to enter into the city. Then
they do great offering ceremony (asadisa Mahadana)
for seven days to Saÿgha led by Buddhist, and
on the seventh day they listen to Buddhist sermons. In
that day, ninety-eight thousand men, when he called
"Come O monks"to "IHE-monk" and achieve
Arahatta purity level. In the midst of the monks were
Buddha expounded Ovada Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the first Sannipàta ).
On another occasion, the Buddha teaches Atthadassã
to his son, His Majesty Sela, eighty-eight thousand
people become confident in the Buddha and begged for
accepted as a monk. Buddha said "Come, O
monk, "and once they all become" ehi-bhikkhu "
and attained Arahatta. In the middle of the
Buddhist monks were expounded Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the second Sannipàta ).
On another occasion, on the night of full moon in the month of Magha, on
Where human creatures, gods, and Brahma-assembled
to listen to sermons about the Supreme Maïgala, Buddha
preached the sermon and helped seventy-eight thousand
people attained Arahatta. Amid
them, the Buddha expounded the Ovada Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the third Sannipàta ).
Will Buddhist Susima ascetic Gotama As Received
Forecast of Buddha Atthadassã
At that time, Will was born as Gotama Buddha in Susãma
City Campaka; he was a wealthy Brahmin who
known throughout the world as a man full of virtue.
Having offered all his wealth to those
the poor, the pilgrims and to anyone who
need, he went to the nearby Himalayas and
be a hermit. After reaching the eight levels of jhana and five
wisdom, he becomes noble sage who has the power
inner. He taught the people of the benefits of doing
virtue and consequences of a crime, he was waiting time
the emergence of a Buddha.
Then, when the emergence of Buddhism in the world and Atthadassã
"Throwing sermons eternity" in the middle of the audience
which consists of eight groups of people, sage Susima also
listen to the Dhamma of the Buddha. Then he went to
natural paradise, and returned with heavenly flowers
like mandarava, paduma, paricchattaka, and others from
Heaven Tàvatiÿsa. To show its miracle, he
shows its form and create interest in the four rain
corners like a heavy rain which fell in four continents; He
also create a hall decorated with flowers in the fourth
sides, with a gate decorated with flowers as well. He
then presents a giant umbrella of interest
mandarava heaven. Buddha Atthadassã then say
prophecy; "hermit Susima this will definitely become a Buddha named
Gotama in the future after one thousand eight hundred and kappa passed
from now. "
Hearing the Buddha's prophecy Atthadassã, Will we become Buddha
very happy and committed to more seriously
in meeting the Ten Perfection.
The characteristics of the Buddha Atthadassã
Buddha was born in the City Atthadassã Sobhana; His father is King
Sagara and his mother was Queen Sudassana.
He ruled for ten thousand years, three of his palace
is Amaragiri, Sugiri, and Vàhana.
His wife named Visakha served by thirty-three thousand
waiter; His son was Prince Sela.
He let go of worldliness with horse riding
named Sudassana; He underwent dukkaracariya practices during
eight months.
Two of his students are Santa and Upasanta Thera Thera.
His valet was thera Abhaya.
His two main girls are Thera Thera Dhamma and Sudhammà.
His Bodhi tree is a tree campaka.
Two students lay His major is rich and Nakul
Nisabha, and two students lay His major is Upàsikà Makilà
and Upàsikà Sunanda.
Atthadassã Buddha height is eighty-arm,
dashing like a sala tree that blooms like a perfect or
full moon, the king of the stars and planets.
Atthadassã light of Buddha's body, shine upward and
down and out in all directions as far as one Yojana (but with
determination and the will of the Buddha, the light can reach several
universe crore).
Defeating all beings, the Buddha has Atthadassã
five eyes, living for a hundred thousand years. (This statement
based on the fact that the age of human life during
It is one hundred thousand years. It should be remembered that the
in fact, he lived for four-fifths of age
human life in those days).
After emitting the light of Dhamma in human nature and the gods,
Buddha Atthadassã reach Parinibbana, like fire extinguished
due to run out of fuel.
Thus, the Buddha Atthadassã, conqueror of the five Mara, reaching
Parinibbana Park Anoma; As with other Buddhas,
Atthadassã Buddhist relics spread throughout Jambådãpa and
glorified by men, gods, and Brahma.


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