Thursday, May 19, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Buddhavamsa - Piyadassi

Piyadassi Buddhavamsa

The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas
by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw

When kappa where the Buddha Sujata emerge until the
end. One thousand eight hundred kappas ago, in a vara
kappa, appeared three Buddhas, namely: Piyadassi, Atthadasi,
and Dhammadassi. Piyadassã story, the first, is as
After meeting his Perfection, born Piyadassã bodhisatta
Tusita Heaven, following the tradition of all bodhisatta. Meet
petition the gods and Brahma to become a Buddha, he
down to human nature and into the womb of Queen jokes, empress
from King City Sudatta Sudhannavati; ten months later
Bodhisatta born in the Garden of Varuna.

Bodhisatta Piyadassã named because on the day of the name,
amazing miracle of many.
Palace Life
As an adult, living in three court bodhisatta namely,
Sunimmala, Vimala, and Giriguha, to be served by Princess
Vimala and thirty-three thousand servants during the nine thousand
years, says he enjoys life palace
like a god.

Removing worldliness
After seeing the four signs and after childbirth Princess Vimala
a son named Kancanavela, he went off
worldliness with the wagons drawn by horses
pure-blooded. One crore people inspired by bodhisatta and
be a hermit as well.
Perfect Enlightenment
Together with the hermit, the bodhisatta Piyadassã undergo
dukkaracariya practice for six months; on full moon day in
Vesàkha month, the day on which he will achieve Enlightenment
Perfect. He ate rice milk offered
by a daughter of the Brahmin Vasabha, a resident of
Brahmin settlements in Varuna, he spent the day
sala in the forests nearby, later that evening he
walking alone toward the Mahabodhi; the way he
receive eight tie grass from a devout views
one named Sujata; soon after he cast a grass
it under the Bodhi tree kakudha, comes Aparajita pallaïka,
measuring fifty-three arm where he sat cross-legged
and deployed four of his effort level, conquer bala
Mara army and attained Buddhahood, Perfect Enlightenment,
Three King Natural.
Three Events resentatiom Dhamma
After achieving Perfect Enlightenment, the Buddha dwells Piyadassã
near Mahabodhi for forty nine days as
Other Buddhas. He saw that one crore hermit
which accompanies the release of his worldliness has service
past that can take them to reach Roads and
Fruit. Then he immediately went through the sky toward
place where the hermit was, he fell in the palace garden
near City Usabhavati; surrounded by one crore hermit,
Buddha expounds Dhammacakkappavattanasutta like
Buddhas made ​​earlier to the hermit,
also to the gods and Brahma who came to listen
(This isis the first Dhammàbhisamaya ).
Resentatiom second occurred near the City of Mount Sudassana
Usabhavati. Mountain Gods, Sudassana, embrace wrong views.
People all over the Jambådãpa each year presents
food worth a hundred thousand pieces of money to these gods
which sit side by side with human king Usabhavati,
respected across the continent.
(The objects offered to the god called "bali"
Pàëi language; offered "bali" to the god called
"offer 'bali' to the gods;" offer
to the human king is called "pay taxes").
At that time, thinking that he would eliminate
Sudassana wrong views, Buddha Piyadassã visit
palace, while the gods are going to hold a meeting
with the yakkha. Sitting on a beautiful throne,
and stay there and six colors such as light emitting
sun which appears at the top of Mount Yugandhara in month
Kattika (October-November) in autumn. The gods followers
Sudassana respect the Buddha with flowers, incense, etc.,
and around the Buddha.
Upon returning from a meeting yakkha, Sudassana see the light
six colors radiate from his palace, he thought, "Never
I watched the color-wani very beautiful. Who
has captured my place? Is he human? Or god? "
As I watched, he saw the Buddha with light-nets
His consisting of six colors as the sun rising
from Mount Yugandhara in the fall. "This bald monk
sitting on a throne and surrounded by his followers "
Sudassana said to himself with a heart full of
anger. "Well I'll show my supernatural power to
this monk, "and then he changed the whole mountain becomes
After doing so, he wondered "What is the monk's
has been reduced to ashes by fire, "and see the Buddha with
His face is full of calmness and his great body
bright light emitting colorful. "This monk
immune to fire, "he thought:" Well, I'll be pulling in floods
large. "Then he created the water in very
large flows quickly towards the palace. Buddha's remains
in the palace of flooding by water, even his garment or a piece of
His hair was not wet.
After that, King Yakkha Sudassana contemplate other ways
he hoped to make a Buddha out of breath and died. He
bring plenty of water to the Buddha, who looks great in
greenish-blue water with colorful light
like a bright full moon at night in the month
Kattika, and still sits surrounded by his followers Sudassana.
Unable to control his anger, he thought, "I will
This monk killed in any way. "He created the rain
weapon consisting of nine kinds of weapons to the body of Buddha.
Because the ability of inner Buddha, all the weapons that changed
a variety of beautiful and fragrant flowers later
fell at his feet.
Seeing these miraculous phenomena, Sudassana becoming less
happy and angry (not to be subdued), he captures the foot
Buddha with his hands and lifted him. Then
His throw across oceans and mountains that mark the boundary
horizon, because he wanted to get rid of the Buddha from his kingdom.
"How is he? Alive or dead? "Think so, he saw
Buddha (like a dream), is still sitting there in the
palace (mimpikah I?). Then he thought, "This monk is very
magic, I can not possibly throw from my place. If
someone comes and see what I'm doing now, I
be humiliated. Before anyone saw, I'd better go,
This left the monks and the palace. "
Buddha read Sudassana minds, wills for god
and people can see him holding the feet of Buddha. Appropriate
desires, Sudassana can not get out of his palace (such as
that he had planned), but still there holding her leg
Buddha with his hands.
It was the day where a hundred people gathered and one king
from all Jambådãpa to honor the king yakkha with
bali offerings. One hundred people and the king saw Sudassana
holding the feet of Buddha and was amazed by what they see,
they cried "King yakkha being massaged leg hermit king!
Buddha would have created a miracle with the snap of a finger-
Him! (snap your fingers is a phrase that expressed praise
which is equivalent to applaud.) Oh, the signs of their
indeed very amazing! "With their belief that
increases in the Buddha, they pay homage to
Buddha with geminate hands on the head.
At the meeting, the Buddha expounds the Dhamma Piyadassã
to all who attended, led by Sudassana. So
ninety thousand crore gods and humans to reach the level of
Arahatta purity.
(This isis the second Dhammàbhisamaya ).
At other times, in the City Kumuda, which covers nine Yojana,
Sona evil monks, the Buddha Piyadassã hostile (such as
Devadatta at the time of Gotama Buddha). After discussions with
king's son-Prince Mahàpaduma-and urged him to
kill his father. After many times trying to kill
Buddha Piyadassã in vain, he persuaded the palace elephant tamer,
an elephant named Donamukha, he gave the instruction, "When
Piyadassã Buddha entered the city for alms-food,
kill it by releasing Donamukha toward Him. "
The elephant tamer is not an intelligent person who can
consider the profit and loss, he thinks "this Bhikkhu Sona
is a friend of the king. If he does not like me, I could lose
job. "So he agreed to do so, and the next
day to find out when it's time he entered the Buddhist
city ​​for alms-food. Then he picked up
Donamukha who was in a state that made ​​him mad
the more wild and savage, and he sent him to kill
When elephants were removed, Donamukha hit elephants, horses, cows,
buffalo, man he met on the street, destroying all
buildings that stand in his way, and like a creature
cannibal meat he ate all his victims. And finally, when
he sees the Buddha from afar, he ran toward the Buddha with
Then with fear, the residents take
tile, stone, tree, etc., and see the elephant run
to the Buddha, they shouted "Ah, ah" and some of
they even tried to stop it in various ways.
Seeing Donamukha, the king of all elephants, ran towards him,
Buddha with His peace, love and radiate
compassion. Donamukha, become calmer after receiving
radiant love of Buddha, realize his mistake and
be ashamed for his actions so that she could not stand
upright in front of the Buddha. Donamukha lying with his head
at the foot of the Buddha, as though he would sink into the ground.
Seeing this incident, the residents became excited and
cheered like a roaring lion. They also respect the
the elephant in different ways with fragrant flowers, powder
sandalwood, ornaments, and others. Even they got tossed
clothing and tied their heads up high. Heavenly drums
also sounded in the sky.
(Nalagiri, elephants at the time of Gotama Buddha was also defused by
In the same way, and so the elephant was lying in front of the Buddha,
people throw with various ornaments, to cover
whole body. Since then Nalagiri called by name
Dhanapala (guard wealth.) After that, the elephant walk
backward with respect and when it has entered the cage,
said (in comments Culahamsa Jataka), the trappings
return to their respective owners. In the same way,
when people are pelted with objects Donamukha
theirs, it is a tribute to the elephant).
Then Buddha patted the elephant's head that lay at the foot-
Him and advised him with words that match
he thought. Elephant after listening to advice from the Buddha to
conscious and become very tame like a monk, student
Buddha is obedient to the Vinaya. After the Buddha counseled
Donamukha such as time of Gotama Buddha advised Dhanapala,
Buddha Dhamma Piyadassã give sermons in the middle
people who gathered there. On that occasion eighty
thousand crore people achieve Roads and fruit.
(This isis the third Dhammàbhisamaya ).
Three Events Conferences Students (Sannipàta)
There are three events of the gathering of Buddhist students Piyadassã;
The first meeting occurred when Buddhist Piyadassã visit
City Sumangala. Two friend-Prince Palita and Youth
Sabbadassã, adviser to the king's son (both later became Students
Main)-will visit to hear the Buddha into their city,
together with a hundred thousand followers, they go
welcomed the arrival of Buddha, listening to sermons and
give offerings of food for seven days. On the day
seventh, at the end of Buddhist sermons delivered as
expression of gratitude for the offering received his second
that person together with a hundred thousand crore followers
became a monk and attained Arahatta. In
middle of the Buddhist monks expounded Ovada
(This isis the first Sannipàta ).
When Yakkha Sudassana conquered, ninety crore
person became a monk and attained Arahatta.
With surrounded by monks, the Buddha recited
Ovada Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the second Sannipàta ).
On another occasion, when tame Elephant Donamukha,
eighty thousand crore release worldliness and attain
Arahatta purity level. In the midst of the monks were
Buddha expounded Ovada Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the third Sannipàta ).
As a Brahmin would Buddha Kassapa Receiving
Forecast of Buddha Piyadassã
At that time, Will is a young Buddha
Brahmin named Kassapa, who have mastered the three Vedas; after
listen to lectures on Buddhism, comes faith, then
He built a large monastery which cost
hundred thousand crore. He presents it to the monastery
Saÿgha led by Buddhist; feel happy because
have done good, he took refuge to the Three Jewels
and comply with the five-Sala.
Then surrounded by Saÿgha, Buddha Piyadassã
Youth predict Kassapa, "One thousand eight hundred and kappa of
now, these youth will become a Buddha Kassapa. "
Hearing the Buddha's prophecy Piyadassã, bodhisatta be very
excited and determined to be more enthusiastic in meeting
The characteristics of the Buddha Piyadassã
Piyadassã Buddha was born in Kota ¤ ¤ Sudha avatã; His father is King
Sudatta and his mother was Queen Canda.
He ruled for nine thousand years; three His palace is
Sunimmala, Vimala, and Giriguhà.
His wife named Vimala served by thirty-three thousand
waiter; His son was Prince Ka ¤ canavela.
He let go of worldliness with riding cart
drawn by a thoroughbred horse; He underwent practices
dukkaracariya for six months.
Two of his students are Palita and Sabbadassi Thera Thera.
His attendant is Sobhita Thera.
His two female Chief Disciples were Theri Sujata and Theri Dhammadinna.
His Bodhi tree is a tree kakhuda.
Two students lay His major is rich and Sundaka
Dhammaka, and two students lay His major is Upàsikà
Visakha and Upàsikà Dhammdinna.
Piyadassã Buddha has innumerable followers and
has a good reputation; He also has thirty-two
mark of a great man; his high arm eighty
like a large sala trees that are perfect bloom.
Tida is light, moonlight or sunlight
can match the brilliance of light from the Buddha's body
Piyadassã who beat all the light.
Age of human life in the Buddhist Piyadassã achieve
ninety thousand years. Life for four-fifths of
age of human life at that time he used to
helped a lot of human creatures, gods, and Brahma-from
saÿsàra ocean and placed it on the beach nirvana.
Buddha Piyadassã the only comparable with Buddhas
previously unparalleled and a pair of student-Main
His and others have disappeared. No-self and vain;
all conditioned!
Thus, the Buddha Piyadassã, reaching Parinibbana Park
Tree Asattha; in the park was established a three-high cetiya
Yojana as a homage to the Buddha Piyadassã.


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