Thursday, May 19, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Buddhavamsa - Siddhattha

Siddhattha Buddhavamsa

The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas
by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw

After the emergence of Buddhism Dhammadassã kappa ends, then
after over one thousand seven hundred and six kappa; ninety-four
kappa kappa before now, there was only one
Buddha in the kappa was named Siddhattha.
Buddhist History Siddhattha are as follows. At the time
it, ninety-kappa ago, when the old life
man down slowly from asaïkhyeyya to one hundred thousand
years. Bodhisatta Siddhattha after the meet-Perfection
His Tusita born in Heaven, according to the tradition of all bodhisatta.
Accept the request of the gods, and Brahma, he fell into
human nature and into the womb of Queen Suphassà, Consort King
Udena Vebhara City. Ten months later he was born in
Viriya Park.
On the day of the name, the thoughtful giver and name
his relatives gave him the name because at the time Siddhattha
birth, all business people, large or small, all
successfully, all desire is achieved.
Palace Life
When bodhisatta Siddhattha adulthood, he lived
in three palaces, namely: Koka, Suppala, and Kokanada and served
by forty-eight thousand maids led
by his wife named Princess Somanassà, he enjoys
luxury in the palace like a god for ten thousand years.

Removing worldliness
When bodhisatta saw four signs, and after Queen
Somanassà birth to a son named Anupama, he
go off worldliness by using litter
on the full moon day in the month âsahli and become hermit in the Park
Viriya. One hundred thousand crore men also become ascetic follow
His example.
Perfect Enlightenment
Accompanied by a hundred thousand crore hermit, bodhisatta undergo practice
dukkaracariya for ten months, on full moon day in month
Vesàkha, the day when he will reach the Perfect Enlightenment,
He ate rice milk that is offered by a
Brahmin princess named Sunetta of Assadisa Village, he
spent the day in the woods nearby badara. At night
day he walked alone toward the Mahabodhi kanikàra and
the way that He has received eight bunch grass from
Varuna, the keeper of the wheat fields. Soon after he cast a
grass beneath the Bodhi tree, where it appeared Aparajita
pallaïka as high as forty-arm. Sitting cross-legged on
He attained Buddhahood pallaïka such a way that
same as the previous Buddhas.
Three Events resentatiom Dhamma
After attaining Buddhahood, Buddha Siddhattha silent during
forty-nine days near the Bodhi tree, then he
Brahma application undertakes to teach the Dhamma.
As he pondered who would he teach first
time, he saw a hundred thousand crore hermit who accompany-
His worldliness when releasing the armed services
they have, can penetrate Road and fruit. After
reflect on where they are, and knowing that
they are in Deer Park, eighteen Yojana away from
Mahabodhi, he was soon to travel through space
to their place.
Seeing the Buddha approaching from a distance, to one hundred thousand crore
sage received him with great loyalty, serving (with
same way as the previous Buddhas), then
sit around the Buddha. Then the Buddha expounds
Dhammacakkapavatana Sutta (like all the previous Buddhas)
to them all including the gods and Brahma who came
to listen to the Dhamma. On occasion, one hundred thousand
crore being reached Roads and fruit.
(This isis the first Dhammàbhisamaya ).
On another occasion, at the invitation of King Bhãmaratha of the City
Bhimaratha, Siddhattha Buddha visited the city and live in
pavilion which was established with a large size in the middle of town. Buddha
Siddhattha spoke in a voice like a bird king
karavãka or like a king Brahma, merdunya fun
ear and draw the hearts of the wise. So His Dhamma
penetrates the ten directions, he was beating the drums for eternity.
On that occasion, the creature reaches ninety crore Roads
and fruit.
(This isis the second Dhammàbhisamaya ).
On another occasion, the Buddha visited the city Siddhatta
His birth Vebhàra, in meeting his relatives
led by his father, King Udena, He told
Buddhavaÿsa. On that occasion, ninety crore creature
achieve the Roads and fruit.
(This isis the third Dhammàbhisamaya ).
Three Events Conferences Students (Sannipàta)
There are three events of the gathering of students Arahanta Buddha
Siddhattha. The first occurred in the beautiful city of Amara and
pleasing in the eyes like a city of god Tàvatiÿsa; in the city,
two brothers (later became Student President), Prince Sambala
and Prince Sumittà, ruled together like two
Prince Licchavã at the time of Gotama Buddha. Seeing that
The second prince has enough to deliver services
they reach the road and fruit, Buddha Siddhattha do
space travel toward downtown Amara. There he
down on the ground, impressed the residents with the flat
His feet are flat decorated with eight hundred signs; He
later showed traces of his feet (padacetiya) that deserve
respected and then went to Amara Park, where he
full glory dwells like a gold statue on top
flat stone.
Then the two kings brothers saw footprints (padacetiya)
and follow him until they are accompanied by their followers
get to the place of Buddha. Having saluted them sit
surrounding the Buddha. When the Buddha gave sermons
in accordance with nature and their tendency, appeared
confidence in themselves, and after they became a monk
all attained Arahatta. Amid
one hundred crore monks, the Buddha expounded the Ovada Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the first Sannipàta ).
On another occasion, in the midst of ninety crore
monk who became a monk at the meeting relatives
his brother in the City Vebhara, Buddha expounded Ovada
(This isis the second Sannipàta ).
On another occasion, in the midst of eighty
crore monks who gathered at the temple Sudassana, Buddha
Ovada expound Pàtimokkha
(This isis the third Sannipàta ).
Upcoming Gotama Buddha As an ascetic Maïgala Receive
Forecast from Buddha Siddhattha
At that time, Will Buddha lived in the City Sårasena
as a Brahmin named Maïgala who mastered the Vedas
in the original manuscript is also in the literature branches.
He distributed all the wealth and properties worth
several crore to poor people and because he
enjoy live alone in solitude, he became
hermit; develop jhana and Abhi ¤ ¤ à, he reached
magic that made ​​him can not be harmed by anyone.
At that time, he heard the news that "Buddha Siddhattha
has emerged in the world, "He then visited the Buddha
and saluted; after hearing the Buddha's teachings, he
be very happy that he brought fruits
of cashew trees throughout Jambådãpa with his supernatural powers and
then offered the fruit to the Buddha
accompanied by ninety-crore His students at the monastery
Surasena. After eating the fruit, saying Buddha
prophecy "hermit Maïgala this will definitely become a Buddha named
Gotama, ninety-four kappa from now. "
After listening to the Buddha's prophecy, bodhisatta Maïgala, the
hermit, feeling happy and determined to fulfill Ten
His perfection with more vigor.
The characteristics of the Buddha Siddhattha
Buddha was born in the City Siddhattha Vebhàra; His father is King
Udena, and his mother was Queen Suphassa.
He ruled for ten thousand years, three of his palace:
is Koka, Suppala, and Kokanada.
His wife called Somanassà served by forty
eight thousand servants; His son was Prince Anupama.
Vehicles used in the release worldliness is
a stretcher; He underwent dukkaracariya practices during
ten months.
Two of his students are Sambala Thera Thera and Sumittà.
Personal waiter - he is Thera Revata.
His two main girls are Sivalà and Thera Thera Suràmà. Tree
His is the Bodhi tree kanikàra.
Two students lay His major is rich and Suppiya
Samudda, and two students lay His major is Upàsikà Ramma
and Upasika Upàsikà Surammà.
Sidhattha Buddha height is sixty-arm;
The light shining through like ten thousand of the universe
a pole jewel that was established as an object of veneration.
As with previous Buddhas, which is without appeal and
without equal and has the 'five eyes', the Buddha's life Siddhattha
over a hundred thousand years.
After showing some amazing physical light,
well as intellectual brilliance, and fruit enliven Road
Students in Him, and glorify them with
the achievement of worldly and spiritual life, Buddha Siddhattha
achieve together Parinibbana His Students, and achieve
end of his last life.
Thus, Siddhattha Buddha, the noble king of all the monks,
achieve Parinibbana Anoma Park near City Kancanavelu.
In the garden, a jewel-high four Yojana cetiya established
and dedicated to the Buddha Siddhattha.


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