Thursday, May 19, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Buddhavamsa - Tissa

Tissa Buddhavamsa

The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas
by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw

When kappa where the Buddha Siddhattha appear had reached
the end, then came the one where there is no kappa
a Buddha had appeared. When kappa that too passed, nine
kappa kappa-two prior to now, comes the two Buddhas,
Tissa and Phussa (This is Manda kappa).
Tissa Buddha History is as follows: Ninety
two kappa ago, when the age of human life decreased from
asaïkhyeyya until you reach a hundred thousand years, Will Buddha
Tissa was born in Heaven Tusita after the meet-Perfection
Him. Accept the request of the gods and Brahma to
become a Buddha, he went down to human nature and into the uterus
Padumà Queen, consort of King Janasandha Khemaka City.
Ten months later bodhisatta born in Park Anoma.
On the day of the name, the thoughtful giver name and relatives
His brother gave him the name Prince Tissa. (There are two kinds of
name: anvattha and rulhi; name given in connection with
particular events or particular meaning called anvattha. Whereas
the name given without relating to specific events
and does not contain a specific meaning, but mere convenience
simply called rulhi. Here, the name given to Tissa
Bodhisatta is the name rulhi).
Palace Life
When Prince Tissa adulthood, he lived in three
palaces, namely, Guhasela, Nàrisaya, and Nisabha and served by
thirty thousand female servants, led by his wife
named Princess Subhadda, he enjoyed the luxury of
the palace like a god for seven thousand years.
Removing worldliness
When bodhisatta saw four signs, and after Queen
Subhadda birth to a son called Ananda, he went
let go of worldliness with a bloody horse
pure named Sonuttara and become ascetic. One crore male
inspired by him and become a hermit as well.
Perfect Enlightenment
Accompanied by one crore hermit, bodhisatta Tissa undergo practice
dukkaracariya for eight months, on full moon day in month
Vesàkha, the day when he will reach the Perfect Enlightenment,
He ate rice milk that is offered by a princess
of a rich man from the city of Vira and spend the day in the woods
salala nearby. In the evening he walked alone
toward the Mahabodhi. In the course of it he received eight
bunch grass from Vijitasa ¤ gàmaka, a guard wheat field.
Soon after he let down the grass under the tree
Bodhi asana, appeared in that place high pallaïka Aparajita
forty-arm. Sitting cross-legged on the He pallaïka
attain Buddhahood in the same way with the Buddha-
The previous Buddha.
Three Events resentatiom Dhamma
After attaining Buddhahood, Buddha Tissa silent during
forty-nine days near the Mahabodhi, then he
Brahma application undertakes to teach the Dhamma.
As he pondered who would he teach first
time, he saw Prince Brahmadeva and Udaya, of the City
Yasavatã (later became Student President), along with his followers
the armed services at their disposal, can penetrate Road
and fruit. Buddha soon travel through space
and get off at the Deer Park near Yasavatã and second call
prince through the gardener. When the second prince
came accompanied by his followers, Buddha, Buddha-like
The previous Buddha, expounded Dhammacakkappavattanasutta
to humans and the gods who followed both the prince
to listen to the teachings of Buddha. Buddha preached the doctrine
His universe through the ten thousand voice
rival king Brahma-clear, audible to distant and melodious.
At that time, a hundred thousand human beings, gods, and Brahma achieve
Roads and fruit.
(This isis the first Dhammàbhisamaya )
On another occasion, when one crore hermit who accompanies his
let go of worldly (and separate from Him when He
move to the Mahabodhi), heard that the Buddha expounded
Dhammacakkappavattanasutta, they traveled to
Deer Park near Yasavatã. (When I got there) they gave
respect to the Buddha and sat around the Buddha. When
Buddha preached the Dhamma to them and the creatures
Another thing that came to listen to the Dhamma, nine
fifty crore being led by a monk crore
The reach Way and fruit.
(This isis the second Dhammàbhisamaya )
On another occasion, when men and gods discuss
about the blessing (maïgala) which brings prosperity in
life but did not get a satisfactory answer all
these creatures, and when they question it
to the Buddha, the Buddha preached the sermon Maïgala; on
end of the sermon sixty crore gods and humans
achieve the Roads and fruit.
(This isis the third Dhammàbhisamaya )
Three Events Conferences Students (Sannipàta)
There are three events of the gathering of students Arahanta Buddha
Tissa. The first occurred in Yasavatã, where the Buddha
accompanied by a hundred thousand Arahanta who became a monk at the beginning
the rainy and attained in a period Arahatta
it rains retreat, held Visuddhi Pavàraõà on full moon day in
Assayuja month.
(This isis the first Sannipàta )
On another occasion, when the Buddha on his journey,
arrived in the City Narivahana, Prince Nàrivahana, son of King Sujata
in the city, along with his followers, welcomed Buddha
and invited him along in a ceremony Saÿgha
offering an unparalleled held for seven
days. After submitting his kingdom to his son, he and
followers begged to be monks in the Buddha.
Tissa Buddha then called them "Come O monks,
and they all become "IHE-monk." When the news that
Narivàhana been released worldliness spread, people
from all over come and follow his example. In the middle-
middle of these monks, amounting to nine million, Buddha Tissa
Ovada expound Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the second Sannipàta )
On another occasion, in the City Khemavatã (Khemaka), in
relatives meeting the Buddha, after listening history
the Buddha as told by the Buddha, eight million people
became a monk and attained Arahatta. With
surrounded by monks, the Buddha expounded Ovada
(This isis the third Sannipàta )
As an ascetic Gotama Buddha Will Receive Sujata
Forecast of Buddha Tissa
At that time, we are the King Sujata bodhisatta City Yasavatã;
a prosperous city, property worth several crore, the
followers who faithfully served him-all he left behind
as if this is all just a blade of grass, with full
fear of suffering caused by birth,
He let go of worldliness and a hermit (even
before the advent of Buddha Tissa), until he obtained a
supernatural power and fame. Hearing that "Buddha Tissa
has emerged, "His body covered by the five kinds of excitement.
He respectfully approached the Buddha and worship
Him. Thinking "I will respect the Buddha with flowers
flowers such as salala, paricchattaka and others, "He went up to
heaven world with his miracle and entered the Park Cittalata;
He filled a basket-sized one with gàvutta
heavenly flowers and took it back and
eventually offer fragrant flowers to the
In the midst of a crowd of four groups of people, bodhisatta
standing, holding an umbrella-umbrella Paduma
made from honey that smells sweet, with a stalk stone
pomegranate and the peak of leaves ruby red;
to shade the Buddha from the sun, and so began
respect the Buddha, then Buddhists say the forecast
top bodhisatta, Sujata, the sage, "Ninety-two kappa
from now, Sujata, the sage of this will become a Buddha named
Gotama. "
After listening to the Buddha's prophecy, bodhisatta Sujata, the
hermit, feeling happy and determined to fulfill Ten
His perfection with more vigor.
The characteristics of the Buddha Tissa
Tissa Buddha was born in the City Khemaka; His father is King
Janasandha, and his mother was Queen Padumà.
He ruled for seven thousand years; three His palace is
Guhàsela, Nàrisaya, and Nisabha.
His wife called Subhadda served by thirty thousand
waiter; His son was Prince Ananda.
After seeing the four signs, he let go of worldly
with thoroughbred horse named Sonuttara;
He underwent dukkaracariya practice for eight months.
Two of his students are Brahmadeva Thera Thera and Udaya.
His attendant is Samaïga Thera.
His two main girls are Phussà and Thera Thera Sudattà. Tree
His is the Bodhi tree asana.
Two male students lay His major is rich Sambala
and Sirimà, and two students lay His major is Upàsikà Kisa
Gotama and Upàsikà Upasena.
Tissa Buddha's height is ten arms; He has no
unmatched and unparalleled, like a mountain in
Himalayas for those who see it.
Age of human life during the Buddha Tissa who have
Inner strength is without a rival, not too long or
too short, Buddha Tissa who has five eyes, lived for
hundred thousand years.
Tissa Buddha who has conquered the darkness and ignorance
(avijja), after achieving fame in excess of fame
people who are most noble and honorable, reaching Parinibbana
together with many of his students Arahanta, like fire
are extinguished after the last major blaze.
Thus, Buddha Tissa, Conqueror five Mara, reaching
Nanda Parinibbana Park near City Sunandavati. In the garden
it, a jewel-high three Yojana cetiya established and
dedicated to the Buddha Tissa.


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