Thursday, May 19, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Buddhavamsa - Sikhi

Sikhi Buddhavamsa

The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas
by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw

After the end of the kappas in which the emergence of Buddhism Vipassã, no
None Buddha emerged over the last fifty nine kappa,
thus also called su ¤ ¤ a kappa, no light
Dhamma; total darkness of ignorance (avijja) victorious and
only the evil Mara and Mara the defilement of the ruling
in the world without any opponents. All beings are subject to
Mara will and willingness.
After fifty-nine su ¤ ¤ a kappa passed, thirty-one
kappa ago, the two Buddhas appear, Sikkhã and Vessabhå (this
is Manda kappa).
Buddhist History Sikhã are as follows: Thirty-one
kappa ago, when the age of human life slowly
down from asaïkhyeyya up to seventy thousand years,
after fulfilling his Perfection, bodhisatta Sikhã born
Tusita Heaven. Fulfilling the request of the gods and Brahma to
become a Buddha, he went down to human nature and into the uterus
Pabhàvatã, consort of King Aruna Arunavatã City. Ten
months later, bodhisatta born in Park Nisabha.
On the day of the name, the thoughtful giver name and relatives
Sikhã his brother gave him the name, because the meat on his forehead
(unhisa) stands out like a peacock's head.
Palace Life
When Prince Sikkhã adulthood, he lived in three
court, namely: Sucandaka, Giri, and Vasabha and is served by two
twenty-four thousand female servants, led by his wife
named Princess Sabbakàmmà, he enjoyed the luxury of
like a god in the palace for seven thousand years.
Removing worldliness
When bodhisatta Sikhã saw four signs, and after Princess
Sabbakàmmà birth to a son named Atula, he went
let go of worldliness with elephant ride. Seven million
men to follow His example and be a hermit as well.
Perfect Enlightenment
Accompanied by seven million hermit that, bodhisatta Sikkhã undergo practice
dukkaracariya for eight months, on full moon day in month
Vesàkha, the day when he will reach the Perfect Enlightenment,
He ate rice milk offered by Piyadassã,
daughter of a rich man from the city and spend the day Sudassana
in the acacia forest nearby. In the evening he walked
alone toward the Mahabodhi puõdarãka and on that trip
He received eight bunch grass from a hermit named
Anomadassã. Soon after he let down the grass beneath it
Mahabodhi puõdarika, appeared in that place Aparajita pallaïka
as high as thirty-two arms.
Puõdarãka Bodhi tree height equal the height of the Bodhi tree
Patali during Vipassã Buddha. Trunk and main branches
fifty each arm length at the time bodhisatta
there. Covered by fragrant flowers from heaven.
Not only is covered by flowers, but also by the fruits.
Depending here and there, on this side of raw fruit, fruit half
cook over there, and a cook on the other
it's very delicious, as if filled with the essence of heavenly food.
Everything has a beautiful color and taste delicious. Thus
Similarly, all fruit trees and flowers in ten thousand
universe, fruiting and flowering in the day.
Three Events resentatiom Dhamma
After attaining Buddhahood, Buddha Sikkhã silent during
forty-nine days near the Mahabodhi puõdarika,
He later agreed to request Brahma
teach the Dhamma. As he pondered who
He will teach the first time, he saw seven million hermit,
His accompanying worldliness when releasing the
armed services at their disposal, can penetrate the Roads and
Fruit. Buddha soon travel through space
and get off at the park near City Arunavatã Migàjina. Sit
with great in the middle of the Buddhist ascetic Sikhã
preached the sermon to all who attended Dhammacakka
as did the previous Buddhas. At the time
that, one hundred thousand crore humans, gods, and Brahma reached Roads
and fruit.
(This isis the first Dhammàbhisamaya )
Then, still in the City Arunavati, Buddha taught the Dhamma
to Prince Abhibhu and Prince Sambhava (later became
Primary students), and his followers, and provide drug
immortality to ninety thousand gods and humans.
(This isis the second Dhammàbhisamaya )
On another occasion, near the tree near the gate campaka
City Suriyavatã, Buddha and Double Magic show
give the sermon to subdue pride
adherents of one view and to liberate beings from
defilements. On that occasion eighty thousand crore gods
and the man managed to reach the road and fruit.
(This isis the third Dhammàbhisamaya )
Three Events Conferences Students (Sannipàta)
There are three events of the gathering of students Arahanta Sikhã Buddha;
The first meeting, in the midst of a hundred thousand Arahanta
is a friend of Prince Abhibhu and Sambhava in releasing
worldliness, the Buddha expounded Sikhã Ovada Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the first Sannipàta )
On another occasion, in the midst of eighty thousand monks
wearing a robe at a meeting of relatives Buddhist
City Arunavati, the Buddha expounded Sikhã Ovada Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the second Sannipàta )
On another occasion, in the midst of seventy thousand
monk wearing a robe when Buddha tame Elephant
Dhanapalaka on Dhananjaya City. Buddha expounded Sikhã
Ovada Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the third Sannipàta )
As the Buddha would be King Arindama Receiving
Forecast of Buddha Sikhã
At that time, we are the King Arindama bodhisatta City
Paribhutta. When the Buddha visited the city accompanied Sikhã
by his followers, the king welcomed the Buddha, he gave
respect to the Buddha and invited the Buddha to his palace where
he did according to his status as a great gift
a king, a high caste, rich, and believes (to
He opened the barn clothes and presents
to Saÿgha led by Buddhist, some clothes kotis
value is very high. (In everyday language one kotis
is twenty devices clothes, but here, one is kotis
ten pieces. Comments Aïguttara III, p.. 270).
In addition, he also offered to Buddha
an elephant castle strong, beautiful, has signs
(luck) and can run fast which decorated webs
gold and flowers. (After calculating the price of this elephant
with all the decorations), he also offered to
Saÿgha objects that are allowed to monks. (Prices
of these objects was the same as the price of elephant).
Then Buddha said Sikhã forecast, "Thirteen kappa
from now, King Arindama this will definitely become a
Buddha named Gotama. "
The characteristics of the Buddha Sikhã
Buddha was born in the City Sikhã Arunavatã; His father was King Aruna,
and his mother was Queen Pabhàvatã.
He ruled for seven thousand years; three His palace is
Sucandaka, Giri, and Vasabha.
His wife called Sabbakàmà served by twenty-four
thousand waiters; His son was Prince Atula.
After seeing the four signs, he let go of worldly
with elephant riding; He underwent dukkaracariya practice
for eight months.
Two of his students are Abhibhu and Sambhava Thera Thera.
His valet is Khemaïkara Thera.
His two main girls are Sakhilà and Thera Thera Padumà.
His Bodhi tree is a tree puõóarika.
Two students lay His major is rich and Sirivaóóha
Nanda, and two students lay His major is Upasika Città and
Upasika Suguttà.
Height Sikhã Buddha, is seventy-arm; He
like a pile of gold as an object of veneration; beautiful with three
thirty-two marks of extraordinary human beings.
Buddha's Light Sikhã body naturally shine day and night
as far as thirty Yojana. (It can reach some of the universe
if He wills).
Age of human life during the seven Buddhas Sikhã
twenty thousand years. Life for four-fifths of uur life
human time, the Buddha Sikhã deliver creatures
like humans, gods, and Brahma of the ocean and saÿsàra
placing it on the beach nirvana.
Having rained the Dhamma, the Buddha Sikhã pour
Dhamma pure water and help them attain Nibbana, the end
suffering from recurring, then together
His Arahanta Student achieving Parinibbana.
Buddha Sikhã physical body which has eighty-mark
small signs like the fingers of the hands and feet, nail color
red with thirty-two signs of a man outside
usual everything has vanished. No-self and all in vain
Thus, the Buddha Sikhã, reaching Parinibbana Assa Park,
near City Silavati. Buddhist relics to be kept intact Sikhã
one and did not spread. People all over Jambådãpa
build a cetiya made ​​of seven kinds of jewels
as high as three Yojana.


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