Thursday, May 19, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Buddhavamsa - Vessabhu

Vessabhu Buddhavamsa

The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas
by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw

After the Buddha Sikhã Parinibbana in kappa which appear
two Buddhas, the age of human life slowly fell from
seventy thousand years to ten years, then rise
more slowly until asaïkhyeyya, then when age
human life come down again to sixty thousand years,
after fulfilling his Perfection, Going Buddhist Vessabhå
accept the petition of the gods and Brahma to become
Buddha, he went down to human nature and into the womb of Queen
Yasavatã, consort of King Suppapita in the City of Anoma. Ten
months later, bodhisatta born in Park Anupama.
When born, the words bodhisatta victory
encouraging those who hear it, therefore,
on the day of the name, the thoughtful giver name and relatives
brother named Prince Vessabhå (the words of victory
means that the three words that begin with "Aggo'ham'asmi
lokassa, "and so on are spoken with great courage
sounds like a thundering ox.)
Palace Life
When Prince Vessabhå adulthood, he lived in
three palaces, namely: Ruci, Suruci, and Rativaddhana and served by
thirty thousand female servants, led by his wife
named Princess Sucitta. He enjoyed the luxury of the palace
for six thousand years.
Removing worldliness
When bodhisatta Vessabhå saw four signs, and after
Sucitta daughter gave birth to a son named Suppabuddha,
He went off worldliness using
gold palanquin to the royal garden. He received the robe
presented by Brahma and wear. Thirty
seven thousand men to follow His example and be a hermit
as well.
Perfect Enlightenment
Together with thirty-seven thousand hermit that, bodhisatta Vessabhå
undergo dukkaracariya practice for six months; on
Vesàkha full moon day in month, day on which he will
achieving Perfect Enlightenment, he ate the rice-milk
presented by Sirivaddhana, Sucitta City residents and
spent the day in the woods nearby sala. In the evening
He walked alone toward the Mahabodhi and on the way
He received eight tie it grass from Narinda, king of dragon.
Soon after he let down the grass under the Mahabodhi
Sala, appeared in the place was as high as four Aparajita pallaïka
twenty arms.
Sitting cross-legged on pallaïka, bodhisatta deploy four
His effort level, and reach Buddhahood in a way that
same as the previous Buddhas.
Three Events resentatiom Dhamma
After attaining Buddhahood, Buddha Vessabhå silent during
forty-nine days near the Mahabodhi, then he
Brahma application undertakes to teach the Dhamma.
As he pondered who would he teach first
time, he saw his younger cousin, Prince and Prince Sona
Uttara who later became President of his student armed with a service-
services they have, can penetrate Road and fruit.
Buddha soon travel through space and come down
Aruna Park near the city of Anupama. He sends handyman
garden to call the second prince, and then in
middle of the two princes and their followers, Buddhism
give sermons Dhammacakka as is done
Previous Buddhas, many gods and Brahma who came
to listen to the sermon. On this occasion
eighty thousand crore of human and managed to reach god
Roads and fruit.
(This isis the first Dhammàbhisamaya )
Furthermore, when Buddhism traveled to Vessabhå
major cities in the country, and teach the Dhamma, seventy
thousands of gods and men made ​​it to the Roads and fruit.
(This isis the second Dhammàbhisamaya )
On another occasion, the Buddha was still in the City Vessabhå
Anupama, eliminating the view of the entrap like
nets that injure the eye hook; He pulled 'banner pride'
the adherents of views and raise 'banners Dhamma
noble. 'In the midst of a crowd of people in an area of ​​nine
Yojana and attended countless gods and Brahma,
Double Miracle of the Buddha shows the water and fire, which
raise their confidence; sixty crore gods and
people feel happy with the 'medicine of immortality' which is given
by Buddha. (In other words sixty crore gods and humans
achieve Liberation).
(This isis the third Dhammàbhisamaya )
Three Events Conferences Students (Sannipàta)
There are three events of the gathering of Buddhist students Vessabhå;
The first incident occurred on the day of full moon in the month of Magha. In
time, in the midst of eighty thousand crore Arahanta
who became a monk at the meeting Thera Sona and Uttara
Thera, President Students, the Buddha expounded Vessabhå Ovada
(This isis the first Sannipàta )
The second event occurred during a meeting of thirty-seven thousand hermit
of the City Soreyya; they are followers bodhisatta Vessabhå
while releasing worldliness; when bodhisatta leave
them and move to another place, they also moved to place
others; heard that the Buddha has expounded Dhammacakka,
Soreyya and they came to pay homage to Buddha
then teach Dhamma to them and make
they "IHE-monk." The meeting, which has four characteristics
, the Buddha expounded the Ovada Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the second Sannipàta )
On another occasion, the Buddha visited the city Vessabhå
Narivahana to give blessings to the king named
Upasanta. Hearing the Buddha's arrival, King Upasanta and
followers rushed to greet the Buddha, invite Him
with respect and do a big offering ceremony. After
His listening to the Dhamma, the willingness of self king
to let go of worldliness; follow his example, sixty
thousands of his followers became a monk as well. Together with
Upasanta, they all attained Arahatta.
With this surrounded by Buddhist monks expounded
Ovada Pàtimokkha.
(This isis the third Sannipàta )
As the Buddha would be King Sudassana Receiving
Forecast of Buddha Vessabhå
At that time, we are a king bodhisatta Sudassana
captivating look at the City Sarabhavati; when Buddha
Vessabhå, King Three Alam, visited the city, he
listening dibabarkan by Buddha Dhamma, and
became very excited that the second geminate
his hands above his head, He gave large offerings
in the form of food and robes to Saÿgha led
by Buddha. In the city Sarabhavati He has a monastery,
called 'Kuna Harum', to Buddha, and a thousand other monasteries
around for Saÿgha and mepersembahkan all that.
Because bodhisatta feel very happy with the Dhamma
taught by the Buddha Vessabhå, he with the spirit burning
flaming want to be a monk, then he presents
all their wealth to the Buddha and live a life
as a monk without being lazy, day and night. After
became a monk, he obtained a moral virtues,
undergo all the practice hermitage (dhutaïga) and live for
the Buddha Vessabhå, happy to meet the Perfection-
With confidence and joy, bodhisatta Bhikkhu
bernamaskara to Buddha Vessabhå. And he felt no
wait to reach Buddhahood. Knowing that the spirit
Bodhisatta never diminished, Buddha Vessabhå say
prophecy, "In a bhadda kappa, kappa of thirty-one
now, Venerable Sudassana will definitely become a Buddha, named
Gotama. "
Hearing these predictions Vessabhå Buddha, Bhikkhu bodhisatta
very happy, and determined to more seriously
in fulfilling His Perfection.
The characteristics of the Buddha Vessabhå
Buddha was born in the City Vessabhå Anoma; His father is King
Suppatita, and his mother was Queen Yasavatã.
He ruled for six thousand years; three His palace is
Ruci, Suruci, and Rativaóóhana.
His wife called Sucittà served by thirty thousand
waiter; His son was Prince Suppabuddha.
Vehicle which he used to release worldliness
after seeing the four signs is a golden palanquin, he underwent
dukkaracariya practice for six months.
Two of his students is Sona Thera and Uttara Thera.
His attendant is Upasanta Thera.
His two female Chief Disciples were Theri Rama and Theri Samàlà. His Tree
is the Bodhi tree Mahàsàla.
Two students lay His major is rich Sottika and Rambha,
and two students lay His major is Upasika Gotama and
Upasika Sirimà.
Vessabhå Buddha height is sixty-arm; great
like a pile of gold, the light emanating from all parts of the body-
His shining so bright like a fire on a hilltop on
Age of human life in the Buddhist Vessabhå is
sixty thousand years. Over four fifths of the age of life
human time, the Buddha to save the creatures Vessabhå
like human beings, gods, and Brahma of the ocean saÿsàra
and placing it on the beach nirvana.
He taught Dhamma carefully to people
in accordance with their respective character; after passing
Dhamma boat to cross the samsara ocean to the child
grandchildren, Buddha Vessabhå and His Students Arahanta achieve
Vessabhå Buddha and His Arahanta venerable
by the gods, Brahma, and human and spiritual building in
where they live-all gone. No-self and vain;
all conditioned!
Thus, the Buddha Vessabhå, Conqueror five Mara, teacher of
god and man, reaching Parinibbana Khema Park in
near City Usabhavati. According to His will, His relics spread
throughout Jambådãpa (and interred in cetiya) and
become the object of veneration for human creatures, gods,
and Brahma.


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