Khuddaka Nikaya - Nettippakarana ( The Guide ) - Specification Section Part 4-11 to 16
Pali Text Society
Mode [11]
616. Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying Descriptions in
Combined Treatment ? [It is as follows:]
(So le t hi s cognizanc e be guarde d . . .)
617. 'So let his cognizance be guarded' is a description in terms
of its footing applied to mindfulness.
618. 'Having for pasture right intention' is a description in terms
of keeping-in-being applied to quiet.
619. 'Giving right view first place through knowing Rise and fall'
is a description in terms of presentation applied to the plane of
620. 'Transcending drowsing And lethargy, a bhikkhu' is a des-
cription in terms of abandoning applied to the origin.
621. 'May Abandon all bad destinations' is a description in terms
of keeping-in-being applied to the path.
The Mode of Conveying Descriptions in
Combined Treatment is ended.
Mode [12]
622. [107] Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying Ways of Entry ?
[It is as follows:]
(So le t hi s cognizanc e be guarde d . . .)
623. 'So let his cognizance be guarded, Having for pasture right
intention, Giving right view first place': when right view is admitted
the five faculties are admitted [right view being synonymous with
the understanding faculty]. This is the way of entry by Faculties.
624. Those same faculties are science. With the arising of science,
cessation of ignorance (nescience); with cessation of ignorance,
cessation of determinations; . . . and so the whole Dependent
Arising . . . This is the way of entry by Dependent Arising.
625. Those same faculties are comprised by the Categories, by the
virtue category, by the concentration category, and by the under-
standing category. This is the way of entry by Categories.
626. Those same categories are included in determinations. These
determinations—[in this case] free from taints and not factors of
being—are comprised within the idea element. This is the way of
entry by Elements.
627. That idea element is included in the idea base, which base is
[in this case] free from taints and not a factor of being. This is
the way of entry by Bases.
The Mode of Conveying Ways of Entry in
Combined Treatment is ended.
Mode [13]
628. Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying a Clearing-Up in
Combined Treatment ? [It is as follows:]
(So le t hi s cognizanc e be guarde d . . .)
629. Wherever the instigation is cleared up the question is answered;
but wherever the instigation is not cleared up that question is not
yet answered (§420).
The Mode of Conveying a Clearing-Up in
Combined Treatment is ended.
Mode [14]
630. Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying Terms of Expression
in Combined Treatment ? [It is as follows:]
(So le t hi s cognizanc e be guarde d . . .)
631. 'So let his cognizance be guarded' is a unity.
Cognizance, mind, consciousness: this is a diversity.
632. 'Having for pasture right intention' is a unity.
Intention of renunciation, intention of non-ill-will, [108] intention
of non-cruelty: this is a diversity.
633. 'Giving right view first place' is a unity.
Right view is called knowledge about suffering, knowledge about
the origin of suffering, knowledge about cessation of suffering,
knowledge about the way leading to cessation of suffering (cf. §440);
knowledge about the way, knowledge about the path (cf. §428-9);
knowledge about a cause, knowledge about causally-arisen ideas,
knowledge about a condition, knowledge about conditionally-arisen
ideas (cf. Vbh. 104); any knowing and seeing how [things] are in the
various cases, any actualization, complete penetration, coming to
truth: this is a diversity.
634. 'Through knowing rise and fall' is a unity.
By means of 'rise': with ignorance as condition, determinations;
with determinations as condition, consciousness; . . . and so all the
rest . . . that is how there is an origin [to this whole category of
suffering]. By means of 'fall', cessation of ignorance; with cessation
of ignorance, cessation of determinations; . . . and so all the rest . . .
that is how there is a cessation [to this whole category of suffering].
This is a diversity.
635. 'Transcending drowsing And lethargy, a bhikkhu' is a unity.
'Lethargy' is a name for unwieldiness of cognizance, 'drowsing'
is a name for any sloth of body. This is a diversity (cf. §500).
636. 'May Abandon all bad destinations' is a unity.
Compared with gods and human beings the states of unease are
bad destinations; but compared with extinction all kinds of
appearance are bad destinations (§250). This is a diversity.
The Mode of Conveying Terms of Expression in
Combined Treatment is ended.
Mode [15]
637. Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying Requisites in Combined
Treatment ? [It is as follows:]
(So le t hi s cognizanc e be guarde d . . .)
638. This is the requisite of quiet and insight.
The Mode of Conveying Requisites in
Combined Treatment is ended.
Mode [16]
639. Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying a Co-ordination in
Combined Treatment? [It is as follows:]
(So le t hi s cognizanc e be guarded ,
Havin g for pastur e righ t intention ,
Givin g righ t view firs t plac e throug h
knowin g
Ris e an d fa 11, transcendin g drowsin g
And lethargy , a bhikkh u ma y
Abando n al l ba d destinations) (§595).
640. [109] (i) 'So let his cognizance be guarded' is the footing for
the three kinds of good conduct, (ii) When cognizance is guarded,
then, as bodily action, verbal action, and mental action, is guarded.
641. (iii) 'Having for pasture right intention': when right view is
kept in being, the noble eight-factored path is kept in being. For
what reason ? Because it is from right view that right intention
is given being, from right intention . . . [complete as in §600] . . .
from right deliverance that right knowing and seeing of deliverance
is given being.
642. (iv) This is a person without trace left and the extinction
element without trace left.
The Mode of Conveying a Co-ordination in
Combined Treatment is ended.
643. That is why the venerable Maha-Kaccana said:
'Sixteen Conveyings first, Surveying
With Plotting then of the Directions,
And having collected with the Hook,
Three Guide-Lines demonstrate a Thread' (§26).
The Modes of Conveying in Combined Treatment are ended.
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