Khuddaka Nikaya - Nettippakarana ( The Guide ) - Specification Section Part 4-3 to 10
Pali Text Society
Mode [3]
595. Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying a Construing in
Combined Treatment ? [It is as follows:]
(So le t hi s cognizanc e be guarded ,
Havin g for pastur e righ t intention ,
Giving righ t view firs t plac e throug h
knowin g
Ris e an d fall , transcendin g drowsin g
And lethargy , a bhikkh u ma y
Abando n al l ba d destinations .
(§252; continuation of quotation in §491).
'So let his cognizance be guarded, Having for pasture right
: this is construable thus: One with guarded cognizance
will be one who has for his pasture right intention. I t is construable
thus: One who has for his pasture right intention will be one who
has right view. I t is construable thus: When he abides with right
view placed first he will penetrate rise and fall. I t is construable
thus: When he penetrates rise and fall he will abandon all bad
destinations. I t is construable thus: When he abandons all bad
destinations he will surmount all the fears of bad destinations and
states of unease.
The Mode of Conveying a Construing in
Combined Treatment is ended.
Mode 4
596. [104] Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying Footings in
Combined Treatment ? [It is as follows:]
(So le t hi s cognizanc e be guarde d . . .)
597. 'So let his cognizance be guarded': this is the footing for the
three kinds of good conduct.
Having for pasture right intention': this is the footing for quiet.
'Giving right view first place': this is the footing for insight.
'Through knowing rise and fall': this is the footing for the plane
of seeing [as the path of Stream Entry].
'Transcending drowsing and lethargy a bhikkhu may': this is the
footing for energy.
'Abandon all bad destinations': this is the footing for keeping in
being [as attainment of the three higher paths].
The Mode of Conveying Footings in
Combined Treatment is ended.
Mode [5]
598. Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying Characteristics in
Combined Treatment ? [It is as follows:]
(So le t hi s cognizanc e be guarde d . . .)
599. 'So let his cognizance be guarded, Having for pasture right
: this is the mindfulness faculty. When the mindfulness
faculty is admitted the five faculties [of faith, energy, mindfulness,
concentration, and understanding,] are admitted.
600. 'Giving right view first place': when right view is admitted
the noble eight-factored path is admitted. Why is that ? Because
it is from right view that right intention is given being, from right
intention that right speech is given being, from right speech that
right action is given being, from right action that right livelihood
is given being, from right livelihood that right effort is given being,
from right effort that right mindfulness is given being, from right
mindfulness that right concentration is given being, from right
concentration that right deliverance is given being, and from right
deliverance that right knowing and seeing of deliverance is given
being (cf. M. iii, 76).
The Mode of Conveying Characteristics in
Combined Treatment is ended.
Mode [6]
601. [105] Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying a Fourfold Array
in Combined Treatment ? [It is as follows:]
(So le t hi s cognizanc e be guarde d . . .)
602. [In the case of the word 'guarded'] (i) the language is [any
establishment of terms as follows:] He keeps it protected, thus it
is guarded, [and so on with the other terms.]
603. (ii) What is the Blessed One's purport here ? The Blessed
One's purport is this: Those who will be desirous of being liberated
from the bad destinations will be those who walk in the True Idea.
604. (iii) [As to the source:] because Kokalika corrupted his cog-
nizance with hate for the Elders Sariputta and Moggallana he
reappeared in the Great Paduma Hell (see Sn. pp. 123nc
605. (iv) And [as to the consecutive sequence:] the Blessed One is
possessed of cognizance that has preserved mindfulness; for in the
Thread it is said that (Cognizance can be guarded by mindfulness) (
), [which provides the consecutive sequence here.]
The Mode of Conveying a Fourfold Array in
Combined Treatment is ended.
Mode [7]
606. Herein what is the Mode of Conveying a Conversion in Com-
bined Treatment ? [It is as follows:]
(So le t hi s cognizanc e be guarde d . . .)
607. 'So let his cognizance be guarded, Having for pasture right
intention': this is quiet.
Giving right view first place': this is insight.
'Through knowing rise and fall' is diagnosis of suffering.
'Transcending drowsing and lethargy, a bhikkhu' is the abandoning
of the origin [of suffering].
'Abandons all bad destinations' is cessation.
These are the four Truths.
The Mode of Conveying a Conversion in
Combined Treatment is ended.
Mode [8]
608. Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying an Analysis ? [It
is as follows:]
(So le t hi s cognizanc e be guarde d . . .)
609. The profitable side [as stated in this verse] can be demonstrated
604/1 This is not, as one might have expected here, the source of the Uddna
verses that form the subject of this chapter. Their source is, oddly enough,
not given at all in this chapter. For hell see n. 786/2.
by [the details
of] the profitable side, while the unprofitable side
[as the opposite (§491) of what is stated in this verse] can be demon-
strated by the details
of the unprofitable side.
The Mode of Conveying an Analysis in
Combined Treatment is ended.
Mode 9
610. [106] Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying a Reversal in
Combined Treatment ? [It is this:]
(So le t hi s cognizanc e be guarde d . . .)
611. When quiet and insight are kept in being, then cessation is
their fruit, suffering has been diagnosed, its origin has been aban-
doned, and the path has been kept in being, by means of the
The Mode of Conveying a Reversal in
Combined Treatment is ended.
Mode [10]
612. Herein, what is the Mode of Conveying Synonyms in Combined
Treatment ? [It is as follows:]
(So le t hi s cognizanc e be guarde d . . .)
613. 'So let his cognizance be guarded': cognizance, mind, conscious-
ness, mind-faculty, mind-base, act-of-being-conscious, cognizedness,
these are synonyms.
614. 'Having for pasture right intention': intention of renunciation,
intention of non-ill-will, intention of non-cruelty, these are synonyms.
615. 'Giving right view first place': right view is called weapon of
understanding, sword of understanding, jewel of understanding,
609/1 The analysis here consists of the details to be 'demonstrated' .
611/1 'By means of the opposite the verse beginning "With an unguarded
cognizance" (§491: for the opposite see §595), is what is intended. Or else
by means of the unprofitable side in the Mode of Conveying an Analysis'
(NettiA p. 150).
illumination of understanding, goad of understanding, [storied]
palace of understanding, these are synonyms.
The Mode of Conveying Synonyms in
Combined Treatment is ended.
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