Monday, May 9, 2011

Khuddaka Nikaya - Sutta Nipata - Jara Sutta

Sn 4.6
Jara Sutta
Old Age
Translated from the Pali by
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Alternate translation:IrelandThanissaro
PTS: Sn 804-813

Source: Transcribed from a file provided by the translator.

Copyright © 1994 Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Access to Insight edition © 1994
For free distribution. This work may be republished, reformatted,
reprinted, and redistributed in any medium. It is the author's wish,
however, that any such republication and redistribution be made available
to the public on a free and unrestricted basis and that translations and
other derivative works be clearly marked as such.

How short this life!
You die this side of a century,
but even if you live past,
you die of old age.

People grieve
for what they see as mine,
for nothing possessed is constant,
nothing is constantly possessed.1
Seeing this separation
simply as it is,
one shouldn't follow the household life.

At death a person abandons
what he construes as mine.
Realizing this, the wise
shouldn't incline
to be devoted to mine.

Just as a man doesn't see,
on awakening,
what he met in a dream,
even so he doesn't see,
when they are dead
— their time done —
those he held dear.

When they are seen & heard,
people are called by this name or that,
but only the name remains
to be pointed to
when they are dead.

Grief, lamentation, & selfishness
are not let go
by those greedy for mine,
so sages
letting go of possessions,
seeing the Secure,
go wandering forth.

A monk, living withdrawn,
enjoying a dwelling secluded:
they say it's congenial for him
he who wouldn't, in any realm,
display self.

the sage
holds nothing dear or undear.

In him
lamentation & selfishness,
like water on a white lotus,
do not adhere.

As a water bead on a lotus leaf,
as water on a red lily,
does not adhere,

so the sage
does not adhere
to the seen, the heard, or the sensed;

for, cleansed,
he doesn't construe
in connection
with the seen, the heard, or the sensed.

In no other way
does he wish for purity,
for he neither takes on passion
nor puts it away.2

1. "Nothing possessed is constant, nothing is constantly possessed" — two
readings of the phrase, na hi santi nicca pariggaha.
2. Nd.I: An arahant has put passion totally away once and for all, and so has no
need to do it ever again. An alternative explanation is that, as Sn 5.6 points
out, the arahant has gone beyond all dhammas, dispassion included.


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